Chat Emoji Blacklist



  • Saluki
    Also, allowing server owners to blacklist certain emojis from being used on their servers would be cool.
  • Ooo! That is a interesting idea. I love it ^w^

  • Red

    This request is quite old, but I'm still all for it being added.
    I'm okay with the servers I'm on, but some of their choices for custom Emotes are kinda bad... I could do without seeing them in my list when I'm searching for a good Emote to use.

  • Dexanth

    Hi, I want to bump this up! I'm in tons of servers in both of my accounts, and for example :confused: auto brings up 7 emojis, none of which are among ones I want. It's really annoying and inconvenient to have to go and search and manually click instead, when I'd love to just be able to blacklist them from my suggestions. 

    Similarly it would be cool to be able to fave certain ones so they have a higher priority in autofill completion. 


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