Go Live for Linux



  • Jannis

    Yes! Go-Live for Linux, Please...

  • [3SP] Deathborn00

    can we push this to some bigger parts of the Linux community? we might need some support here bois

  • Acheron

    I can't stress this enough, I was excited for this feature. Then I learned that there won't be Linux support for it.

  • ArcherHombre

    I would like to request this feature as well. I use Linux exclusively at home and would like to have the same option available for sharing my screen like my friends.

  • The Syldat

    Same goes for me Linux gamer here would love to be able to stream games in discord from a linux computer.

  • MikeModder

    Another Linux user checking in, I would love to have this feature available to me too!

  • Cosmonauth

    +1 Linux user checks in, there're a lot of us.

  • Nomad

    This was something i liked on Windows up till i moved to Linux a few weeks ago, so upset that the discord client for linux is crashy and has half the features of the windows version.... Please make Linux version have the same stuff as windows! Please do not neglect your faithful Linux users! @discord!

  • Early Bird

    +1 I would love to be able to stream from linux <3

  • Lord Dude

    You two claim they added it, but I'm not seeing it.  I'm currently using the Canary client, and I have a native Linux game running via Steam.  I have no option to Go Live, going by the instructions in the Go Live FAQ.  I haven't read anything official from Discord on the matter, either.  I suppose maybe it could be a slow roll-out to specific users or servers, but forgive me for being hesitant to believe they added this to the Linux client until I see it on my end.

    EDIT: I think I found what you guys are talking about.  You have to join a voice channel to get a Go Live button.  But this seems to be the Screen Share feature, which I think has been present for quite a while on Linux.  Before the Go Live feature was created.  I remember reading about Screen Share on Linux not supporting audio months ago.  So I don't think this is the actual Go Live feature that Windows users have.

  • Dromaeda

    full support for this, I understand there's a fair amount of differences between the 2 O.S's but they're both note worthy. Add more support for Linux!

  • Rammorod

    We (us linux users) need this.  Please add this functionality!

  • XLP

    Yes they seemed to have added a go live for Linux, it doesn't seem to support audio anyhow though.

    Still a great step forward, keep going guys! - I'd love to be also able to stream with audio soon!

  • XLP

    Yes i was meaning that thing, that is called "Go Live", which only pops up when joined a channel - i also know that its just a screen share option without sound and i know there is a similar feature that is already available for quite some time - But i have to note that the "legacy" video share (which still exists), is quite different from the go live (even on linux), since go live is using a more easy and integrated mechanism to join and leave streams (instead of the link-join way we used to have before)

    I know it is not the Full Go Live experience as you would get on windows, but i just wanted to hint that discord may be putting some effort into Linux Go Live in the near future, so we may also get the missing features and optimizations we don't have yet.

    - Sorry for misinforming though if i did!

  • Laurentious


  • Cake 🎂

    I'd take some hacky solution with ffmpeg jammed into the app over nothing

  • Lord Dude

    Sorry if I came off a bit too harsh.  I never used the screen share, which is why I tried not to say absolutely that the "Go Live" in the Linux client is the old Screen Share feature.  I think they said they were deprecating Screen Share in favor of Go Live.

    But it's been said many times on the Discord Linux server that Discord doesn't have any dedicated Linux developers anymore.  Admittedly, it has been a while since I've paid attention to the server beyond the news channels, so maybe this has changed.  I really want Go Live to be fully implemented on Linux, and I want feature parity with Windows, I just don't have high hopes for either.

    I want Discord to prove me wrong.  I would so love that.

  • [3SP] Deathborn00

    When you tab out a game it doesn't show it any more in the Application list. That means its impossible to share Full screen games with sound. The Game does show up tho while in focus. You can indeed play in Windowed without a problem. Changing it from Windowed to fullscreen while streaming crashes Discord.

  • [3SP] Deathborn00

    Allright sound doesnt work at all... even in windowed.

  • -Z3US-

    Gaming on Linux has slowly been gaining traction over the past 5 years with some games being specifically design for linux, instead of compatibility being added. One example is Shadow of Mordor. It was designed for Windows, then, started from scratch from the ground up for linux. <= that was an awesome move for the developers.


    However, with Windows taking the lions share of development possibility for games/gaming system it would be nice for 1 company to stand up above all and say "Screw this, Ill show you" and actively develop for linux. There are so many dedicated teams out there that would love the opportunity to work closely for this goal. All you have to do is look and ask.


    Come on Discord, Be the Platform for Gamers you said you wanted to be.

  • Danny

    I think we should have the option... After all Linux is everywhere and it is far better than Winblows...

  • GustavNeuroblinkovich

    I wanna contribute to the project discord hire me! I will fix it!   ahahahah seriously  :P

  • kernelpanic

    Another Linux user here. They said they rolled it out to "100%" of users, when this is a blatant lie. I was excited for this feature, but when it was released, I was really disappointed to learn that they really weren't rolling it out to everyone. Especially when it would be so easy for a company as big as they are now, and with how simple porting to Linux would be. Development in general on Windows is a nightmare compared to Linux, in my experiences.

  • linclelinkpart5

    I was hoping to host a Jackbox night with some friends during the coronavirus pandemic, and Go Live would have been PERFECT for this (one caster, many viewers who can all talk to each other in the voice channel), only to find out it's not available on Linux. I understand the technical hurdles involved in making it work, but I just wanted to voice my support for this feature. It would be immensely helpful for me!

  • Seiren

    I'm still dying to get this feature on Linux! Please Discord team!!!

  • Rivisky

    One more user from the Linux community out here!

  • Klumpen

    2021-06-16 and still no sound when streaming a game with Discord in Linux. :(


  • ZephaniahNoah

    I need this!

  • Earth Walker

    +1 Linux gamer wishing for proper streaming capability <3

  • G4b1tz

    +1, don't simp for win


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