Receiving random friends requests from weird users
So for some weeks I've been receiving weird random friend requests from weird users, all of them have a pattern, no pfp and their names are like ''alexf'', ''Ivyq'' and ''Allyv'', and all of them don't have any mutual friends or server with me, so I guess some spammers got my tag and are trying to get me. But I changed the name and seems to be stopped, but I don't want to stay with my name changed and want to use my original one and I don't have Nitro to change my tag, any help?
How many friends you have? Maybe a friend gave them your tag, just block them. Set your Privacity and Safety settings to "My Friends Are Nice, and turn off the permission to everyone of add you as friend, leave turn the "Server Members" and "Friends of Friends". Hope it helps. Good luck!
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Yeah I guess I have to do that, I didn't wanted because I still want to add other people in other social media that aren't in same servers was me. But I guess for now I have to do this, thanks
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I have started receiving similar discord friend requests, I don't suggest adding them.
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I am getting stuff like this too, no mutual friends or servers. I checked the last 2 accounts and they seem legit. (Account creation date of those accounts where half 2020 and end 2020). I asked one of those accounts why this is happening and how they found me (I don't have friends who just tell my discord ID to anyone and I haven't been spreading my discord ID anywhere as far as I know). Still waiting for an answer after 5 hours. If I don't get an answer tomorrow I will block that account and unfriend them again. I might ask the next one after checking their account creation date. Their names of the last 2 where SirInsidee and queenie. I don't want to change my discord name or any settings until I got an answer on my questions from one of them.
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iv been getting these accounts and they just advertize different minecraft servers
well at least the first 2 did and then i blocked them and then i made it so only friends of friends and people from servers can add me
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I've been getting friend requests too, they just friend me. The first one just advertised a minecraft server. The other ones didn't do anything. All they did is just friend me and say nothing. I asked some where they got my discord tag and username but they just just dodged my question. I only gave my discord to 4 of my friends. The other ones just friended me on a discord server. They have no mutual friends or servers. I don't suggest adding them(I've read one of these on Reddit and they had the same problem and Quora too and I know that many people suggested not to friend them).
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I got advertised minecraft servers when I added one of them weird requests so I think it might be because I have linked my discord in Minecraft servers in the past and these 'people' have gotten a hold of them
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I have checked up on the reasoning all the users here are putting and have come to a conclusion that this is because of for most people as this started occurring on my end as well only when I linked my discord to for minecraft
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I have checked up on the reasoning all the users here are putting and have come to a conclusion that this is because of for most people as this started occurring on my end as well only when I linked my discord to for minecraft
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Okay so yeah its not some random people that want to add me for some reason because of some friend of mine. They are probably bots, but in my case its weird because I never linked my discord to a minecraft server
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They are most likely bots, I got the same account by the name of queenie today, so it's most likely a bot who just sends friend requests.
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SomeRandomBald I also had someone named queenie and it wasn't a bot (I checked on discord lookup). Enable developer mode in settings to copy someone's ID when right-clicking their profile. With that you can check someones account creation date and see if they are a bot or not (amongst a few other things like their badges).
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To be honest, I actually added one of those...the name was "Mqueen" and the first message he/she sent was "sup" after a few days I accepted. Then all he/she did next was spam something about Minecraft and something about a new update in Minecraft and it says and it also says "come join me" it's also linked...maybe a day or so the same thing about the new Minecraft update will show up again and the "come join me" thing with the link about the new Minecraft update and the link to join the server. I don't even have Minecraft..but I didn't click on any of the links just to be safe. It will show up maybe once every 1-3 (or more) days, although I only accepted 1 of them to see what would happen and yes, I knew it would be risky...but I blocked that user and closed the DMs. Those events happened about a week ago...I didn't link any private info to my account either way.
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This has been happening to me too. At first I thought it was a person I cut off trying to talk to me because my username uses different fonts and I don’t share my discord anywhere. It makes it so you have to copy my username and tag to find me.I added them and asked them how they found me. They said they didn’t know what I meant and then sent a advertisement for a minecraft realm. I blocked them and closed the dms but then it happened two more times. Two more accounts named SnipeZ_VibeZe and JulianSTM tried to friend me with no common servers or friends. They both have pfps and the requests were sent weeks after eachother. I blocked them but I’m curious on how they found me too since I don’t link my discord to anything not private. Also another friend of mine recently got his first random account friend request.
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I've been getting the same wierd friend requests aswell.
Really wierd.
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yeah i get the same they are werid AF i pretty sure its to just piss you off or its just them tryna do smth but its not working i get names just like that i once overreacted thing its a hacker or smth cuz i messaged them one thing then again if you get an old account out of nowhere you would be scared lmao but yeah they do legit nothing hope discord fixes it tho
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I've just received a friend request from a sus account by the name of 🎀 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓂🏵𝓃𝒹 🎀#6120. I've blocked them & unfriended them. :3
Edit: I've friended them again. Whether you like it or not, Google.
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A guy named Syskey added me I think they are a hacker or a wannabe hacker lol either way I just ignored their friend request (they weren’t friends with anyone I have added or in the same server as me)
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yesterday and a few minutes ago i got friend requests i accepted both times nothing happened so i blocked both and closed dm
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yeahj im getting them too i just got one from "queenM#6196"
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I've also gotten friend request from these random people. They just might be annoying bots or something but I'm not completely sure. The first friend request I got from one is like in February so they have probably been around for a long time or even longer. If you see them send you a friend request best thing is to block them and then its done. If you are really weirded out or scared of them being (Hackers, IP grabbers, etc.) I would change your name, if you have nitro then change your username tag. But in my perspective/opinion I wouldn't worry about it, like I said there probably just bots. If you want you can report them but it isn't gonna do anything because there are most like more.
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I also keep on getting these random people trying to friend me. About 5 for now. Then, A friend of mine said, “There is people in this one server that if you friend them they can get your IP.” So about now 3 of the 5 people have custom profile pictures and the other 2 don’t and have a generated discord or the regular discord pfp. They are bots since they never went online after they requested friend on me.
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one last thing before I leave this conversation, DO NOT ECCEPT ANYONES FRIEND REQUEST THAT HAS NO CONNECTION WITH YOU! Yes even though its tempting to do not. Like 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓪𝓵's friend said, a couple are IP grabbers. if you don't want that to happen then don't accept it. this is what I suggest if this happens to you:
-don't panic, its just a discord bot
-even if they have a name and a PFP do not accept there friend request unless a friend said that my friend sent you a friend request.
-block them
-do not try to contact them, your basically wanting to get your IP grabbed.
-if you have accepted the friend request on accident and think they will get private information then if you are underaged talk to a parent or guardian about it and figure out a solution, for example: changing your IP(probably do that after everything else), discord username (plus tag if you have nitro), change your password or TURN ON TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION.
(also @DogeZ if you haven't changed your name back then change it back. Its been 6 months so its probably fine now.)
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Going to clear up something now, the discord ip logging exploit was patched way long ago where you could get received ips from calls, vcs, texts, friend requests and pretty much from anything.
I am not 100% sure that this exploit is fully patched, maybe they figured out a new way, don't know.
If you are really concerned about your account, do these steps:
/o/ Make sure only people who are in the same servers are you can send friend requests to you
/o/ If you went on any of the links or friended anyone sketchy and you think they might be a threat to your account, do this:
Turn off Two-Step-Verification, it does nothing and its useless against ip and account logs, it wont protect your account since with a token (this is like your private account id/code that can get anyone into your account if shared no matter the twostep verification) it can change your password and username, no matter the twostep verification.
When changing your password and username, username change - it changes your token, so that when they try to get into your account, they cant, password change - this changes your password obv so that they cant get into your account through your password
Theres two ways they can attack your account:
Token Logging (common)
Password Logging (Really Rare)
Better to be safe than sorry :-)
I hope you now understand more about keeping your account safe to be honest, and if you do friend someone that you think might be dangerous and might threat your account, don't worry, just follow these steps and your account wont get stolen, if you do everything correctly and fast enough.
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okay so now i’m really scared because i just got a friend request from somebody with no connections to me by the user @tto and i stupidly accepted it and asked how they found me because we have no mutual , and now i’m scared that they were an ip grabber i get that it’s unlikely but now i’m having a panic attack
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What ended up happening? @MARS I got a request from someone with no name and a homestuck pfp, I added and said hello then deleted the message and unadded them. They unadded me and went offline..
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i had the same issue this been happen to 2020 but now is happening again in 2021 idk why but this is shocked me my friend noah said block em and his name was lendh idk what the hell is he or who is he but is wont talk and is was online i thinked my friend pulling a prank again but he think is me but i said if i made the alt how is not talking when im talking fast and keep talking that lendh guy dont talk! and u saw the first pic that has no message sent by him so idk why but i know a secret to use you have to put your tag in ur user and that tag u put ur user would be same but real tag u have rn is gonna changed no need for nitro and waste money becarefull this happen to me and now going happen again at 2021
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some people like are actually friend requesting new people to promote their servers. this way said servers would slowly grow, by word of mouth. so no need to freak out every friend request lol
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Dont ever accept them. Some might be harmless, just trying to promote a server or whatever, but some are extremely dangerous. Some might try ip logging you, hack you, or do some other stuff. Be careful
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woah this is really old.
i once got flooded with friend requests from random people, shortly after then, i just got flooded with DMs and i just cant close all of them, there are so many
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