Calendar Channels



  • D4KiR

    share this with all your friends, this must have the most upvoted!

  • ks

    great idea
    not only for gaming groups, but RP and work ones too

    it will help organise meetings or DnD sessions, it should also autoadjust to your timezone though

  • Sakuryu

    Bump, Gaming groups need this.

  • Roastedbloop

    Behind this feature!!!

  • PKlempe

    This is a must have feature! I would love to schedule some streaming events or similar things on my server and to be honest it's not that ideal to regularily post reminders about planned events in the news channel because only a handful of people will see them if new posts keep coming in. The other option would be to ping my members which will possibly annoy some of them.

    A calendar would be a far better solution.

  • Verin

    This and a document section would be great, these are the two things having my guild to consider swapping to guilded to get.

  • D4KiR

    we need this!

  • bardthebowman

    would love to have this feature

  • GA-Bulletproof

    This needs to happen ASAP. Why haven't they done this yet. Guilded looking GAF right now.

  • Fathomorg

    If the development team sees this, do know that a vast number of people are using your service for more than communication. Many of us are starting to utilize it as an organizational and life management tool. I have a server for just myself dedicated to keeping notes on everyday life with shopping lists, pictures, important links, etc. People love that the app they use to communicate regularly is virtually always present, thus it makes for a great place to store everyday information.

    This article does a decent job summing it up:

    A calendar channel would greatly improve how this sort of information is recorded and utilized. Not only that, but larger servers as well would benefit from the ability to organize events for their communities. For those of us using discord for education during the pandemic especially, it could be particularly handy for relaying our availability with calendar channels dedicated to such. I'm sure this is just scratching the surface too; there's likely many more ways to implement a calendar channel in your servers!

  • Levia Draconia


  • GoldenGreek

    I hope discord development would get this feature put into the platform we love, before we all start jumping to guilded. I don't want discord to go the way of AOL instant messenger... 😐

  • D4KiR

    still not implemented :(

  • ¡Tengo un plan!

    I need this

  • tatals

    Why isn't this a thing yet?! Two years ago! Hear us, Discord!


    Up ! Please please pleaaaaase ! ❤️

  • Seapancake

    100% for this feature, the way I was thinking about the calendar is that it would be personal as opposed to bound to a server, this way you can aggregate events from multiple servers.

    For example if you were a member of an 'attendee' role in a server that organizes an event and an organizer pinged this roll using a specialized time/date mention it would add to your calendar.

    Using a permissions system you would have control if the event would auto-add/notify or ignore with the option to add and assuming you accept could then generate a notification via Toast on desktop or mobile when the time was coming up.

    This would have an added benefit of the organizer having accurate number of attendees and allow for easier planning including being dynamic if you need to drop-out of an event.

    Like other people have said this perfectly suits Discord's more general social usage as it benefits a large portion of groups while removing the need for community work-arounds or excessive channel pings and keeps everything neatly integrated within the application.

  • Krish

    Yes! we need this, please keep upvoting please.

  • D4KiR

    we have threads now, but not calender functions/channel

  • Aurahna

    This is a needed feature, upvote!

  • Aleron

    It might be too late for Discord. Two large gaming orgs that I'm in have decided to shut down their Discord servers and move to Guilded. I hate Guilded, but I'll be forced to use it because Discord won't create a calendar.

  • MiloApianCat099#9922

    This is a feature coming soon I believe I recently stumbled across a new type of channel called Events by default with a calendar icon I wasn’t able to go inside the channel as this was a UI bug that happened while I was offline in discord as soon as I reconnect the icon vanished it was in a community server I run of your wondering. But this confirms that there are files in the script for this type of channel.

  • Tonberry

    That's good to hear, but I am hoping they don't make this yet another community server feature. I hope discord starts making all their recent features available for the small "Guild" based discords out there. PLEASE.

  • opallithia

    Please discord. we need this, and I don't want to over to guilded just for their nice calendar feature. calendars should be accessible to all servers, too, not just community ones :')

  • Dema/Rozi

    this calendar feature would be great , im sure its "must have" thing

  • Tokidokiro

    The absence of a calendar system within Discord makes me believe that the product managers do not have a solid understanding of the use cases for their userbase.

    Guilded has a better understanding of how users use their platform and provide built-in feature like this, but they are not very adapted (a little late to the party as they pivoted to chat late)

    Please add a calendar system! It would benefit every community on Discord.

  • xtabbas

    There is a new calendar layer for Discord that works with two way syncing with their new Events

  • drake

    Would still love to see this feature,

    Events are nice for singular events, but if you have a lot of things running week over week a calendar system be much more useful. Especially if it had conversions into the users timezone.


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