Favorite Servers
Discord should give users the ability to select their favorite servers and display them on their profiles. This would help users within the same community to share servers of common interest. Generally helping communities grow and this could be a method to help users advertise their servers.
Owner Visual (Without Boosted Server): This is what the owner of the profile should see.
Friend / Guest Visual (Without Boosted Server): Here is what a random viewer should see.
Owner Visual (With Boosted Server): This is what the owner of the profile should see.
Friend / Guest Visual (With Boosted Server): Here is what a random viewer should see.
Higher Quality Gifs Here:
I wrote / edited some code. Most of the code and classes were already provided and using code recycling I was able to quickly make this.
Server Icons:
- On Hover: Displays the servers name just like the far left discord server panel.
- On Click: Pop-up a panel requesting an additional user input to verify that they would like to join the server. (To prevent accidental clicks). If a user is already apart of this server then it will open the server. Displaying the contents inside.
Add Icon:
- On Hover: Highlights the boarder color to show it's being hovered on. (Just like in the GIF provided earlier.)
- On Click: Pop-up a panel showing the users current joined server to show on their profile for others to see.
I'm just throwing an idea out there, Discord is more than welcome to edit the idea to their liking. So yes, if you guys want it to be only 1 server that will work too! :]
6 -
very clean post and a nice idea! 5 -
Great idea! 5 -
Great idea, maybe indeed max 5 servers for example. +1
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I have a lot of servers, and I really like the idea of choosing a few servers to favorite, but seriously hate the idea of just having one. I think that you should really be able to have up to maybe 10. 1 is just too little, because you have many friends from different servers that don't always want to merge into one. 5 is a good amount but I just threw 10 in to be different I guess.
5 -
Thank you guys!
4 -
Great idea! upvote!
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great idea have a nice day
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This would be amazing!
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Good idea! We could show our favorite servers and people looking at our profile could discover new servers!
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Fingers crossed this gets added soon, Multi-game activity was implemented today!
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I wish for this to be added as well, being able to show your favorite servers would help find servers which might be hidden or less known.
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this is a great idea... should be upvoted
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I don't understand how this is not already a thing? Surely this would be easy to implement??
0 -
cool, but only with one server
[Edit] Nitro users can have it 3
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