The ui update we needed: mentions
I assumed this was a bug in the teams radar but clearly not after the atrocious new ui update.
The mentions button right? When you click a message it shows you nearby messages and there's a jump to chat button. On pc the jump to chat button takes you **to the message in which you were mentioned** so you can copy it, pin it, react to it, etc.
Currently there is no way to do anything with the messages you were mentioned in, and the jump to chat button is useless. Imagine having to scroll for hours just to open a link that was sent to you via mentions in a busy chat.
Highly agree.
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This problem also affects the search option
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I never understood why they have it like this. From what I heard, this is only an iOS thing and it has been like this for years.
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Ong I've been opening up my laptop just to respond to mentions or properly search for something for a long ass time and it's getting old
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Or i want to screenshot a thread, i dont want it to look like desktop, and searching repeatedly sucks.
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