Why is my server automatically deleting others messages?



  • TheGuy


  • Vacades

    Edit the original post instead of making another post just to correct it. But for your problem, check the Audit Logs to see if anything specific is causing this

  • Dulce

    I tried looking in the Audit Log to see if anything is causing this, but i dont see anything. Im having the same issues too.

  • !¿$ Mira

    I found it out! It's the channel, they can chat in other channels. Idk what caused this but oh well.

  • koidex

    wdym by that, my server does this too.

  • 🐧𝕘𝕖𝕓𝕓𝕪🐧

    For my server it isn't just the channel. I have no clue what the possible cause could be.

  • Nana ^^

    i know this is pretty late, like a year late but-
    it happened to me, and i just removed all the bots because i didn't see anything in the audit logs 
    if this ever happens to someone, just kick all the bots and it'll be fixed, it worked for me

  • ʂUι MOɳ

    delete all the bots and add them back it works on my server 

    NOTE: do not add too many bots it will affect your server I recommend add about 6-11 is enough and see if people use this bot a lot. if not, don't add it. Hope this helped

  • hellothere

    Same thing happened to my server too

  • Power_GamingYT

    I am experiencing this problem too! I don't know what the cause is.


  • SAMEER_99

    I also faced the same problem with files. Its carl-bot. Carlbot is sus. He is deleting the files without even letting the audit log know. Its bcoz the delete scary files option. My friend tried to send the file with the extension ".skin". Idk why audit log don't detect it. It has became slow. Yes i play Minecraft. If you play too dm me. Lol self promotion xD

  • Power_GamingYT

    It's Carl bot. The bot was down the other day and everything was working fine.

  • Deeyarrhea

    i know it is late but it happens when you use Carl bot for slowmode.

  • Live Gamer

    Kick @Carl-bot it helps. My friend can message now


    do you know .. how to fix this issue ? 

  • srbh

    just go carl bot > auto mod > clear all restriction and save 
    it will fixed


  • dali

    i dont have a carl bot but im having this issue with my server. its only not showing the chats for everyone else i can still see them.

  • srbh

    Is your permissions are okay

  • srbh

    Invite me on your server dali srbh#7932

  • Jaafer

    As many others have said, this was resolved by:

    1. Accessing CarlBot Dashboard
    2. Navigating to the AutoMod module

    3. In General Settings, toggle "Delete scary files" off.

  • Nayaa

    For anyone still having the issue.
    its Carl-Bot. 
    go to the Dashboard > Automod > Caps threshold.
    Delete what ever you put in there.


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