Reply function



  • RaspberryPiFan

    IDK if it's everywhere, but is in canary web, called "quote"

  • Starr

    While there is the option to 'quote' something in your message by enclosing it in `` ``, it would be nice to have an actual reply feature that auto-embeds the message and then notifies the user of the reply. However, for those who don't want constant notifications of replies, there could be a setting to disable Reply Notifications. This would be really useful in busy servers where one might want to reply to something that was said earlier in the day or comment on a message that was quickly flooded away.

  • RaspberryPiFan

  • RaspberryPiFan

    The qoute button does that as you can see in the picture. Only a setting to disable Reply Notifications is missing.

  • RaspberryPiFan

    I don't know if this is already on mobile/non-canary web

  • freakingmagnet

    Quote doesn't quite solve the same problems and have same usability. It is just a simple temporary solution imo.

    When I say reply I am assuming reply to a message along with a "thread" support of multiple replies to same message and no nested replies.

    Reply is different in that:

    • It doesn't bloat the channel: replies don't go to the channel itself but only to the replied message
    • Manually tracking which message was replied can be straining for a heated discussion
    • It doesn't break the flow of the channel, reply is meant to be for a single message not whole channel unlike quote
    • I am not really "quoting" I am replying to someone I don't need a duplicate of it

    This kind of like how email replies include whole previous mail thread because in old times support for thread was weak and you only saw a single email.

  • Neosega

    I agree. Using 'Quote' to reply to someone seems like a temporary solution. 

    Reply should work like how it is in other messaging apps. 

    Click on the reference in the reply should take it to the original message, that way it is easy for the users to navigate a long message thread and get a better a better context too.

    When I type my message first and then select the quote option, the quote is added after my message. This makes it difficult to use it as a reply option. Also there is no easy way to remove the quote after you have selected to quote a message. 

  • NfNitLoop

    +1 to the above. Telegram's replies are a great example of how I'd wantthis feature to work.

    The killer feature to me (beyond what quote + @ping provide) is that you can click on the reply to scroll up to the bit of the conversation that's being replied to. That really helps to be able to follow conversations that take place over long time spans (interspersed w/ other conversations).

    Discord already has a "Copy Message Link" function, which means messages are already individually addressable, so I'd hope adding this wouldn't be too much extra work.

  • SomeMahoo

    Mentioning and quoting just don’t work as efficiently as replying. It’s very difficult to maintain any sort of conversation when posts get buried in the feed. It’s not impossible, but it’s very inconvenient. It kills all but the most timely of replies.

  • ColdMineshaft

    I've found out the new update is Reply, but I believe only some server can use Reply function. Here is the picture of it:

  • lordpotato

    Yes ^^ I am interested to see what determines which servers can use the new Reply function

  • Skyler

    I am not sure why but one of the servers I am on has the reply function instead of the quote function


  • Ms. Benzedrine

    I have only seen 4 servers with the ability reply. I really hope this gets fixed soon. I don't know why only servers are able to and not others, my best guess is it may have to do with discord's servers not being updated?

  • DannyTom

    Tonight, i noticed my server now has a reply function which i found very neat.. then i went to someone elses server and there was only a quote function... what makes 2 servers different in this way? I didnt change anything on my server yet i have the reply function.

  • momo

    as to few above, discord often releases features to randomly picked servers or regionally, for example the stickers feature has only been first released in canada and is useable for only canada located people, and the server boosting last year was only possible for only some servers that were randomly picked, there wasn't any type of algorithm or requirement for it. from reading discord's update post i figure they do that to test the features before releasing it to the whole world. about the reply function, ive seen people use it in group chats though i can't - neither on desktop or mobile, so it might be regional this time. especially cause im not american so it would make sense lmao

  • wildashyt

    I have done so testing and i think the released this to server located in some places like Europe i have tested with freinds that live next door.

  • Rielan

    So I found that I can use the reply function in all my DMs, but my friends can't use it in their DMs. so I think that random users have the ability to use that function in their DMs.

  • Not just that, i found 2 Server which its Reply Fuction is On , and One is Off . iam still looking for an answer .

    Btw i already check between Server Regions as a same Server to On the Reply Fuction , and the answer is " there is no Reply Fuction Option to On/Off the Fuction, its still randomly On


  • JustYanns

    Replies are slowly being rolled out to all servers, DMs, and groups. It can take up to approximately one week according to a mod of "Discord Testers" discord server.
    See this blog post for more information on replies :

  • Isaac

    So, even is the reply feature is not in my server yet, it will still come in a couple of days? That's cool.

  • Vauxxy

    how does this get added to discord but custom themes dont

  • Koyu 6

    *laughs in better discord*

  • Deniz K.

    This is now a feature apparently! :D

  • marihuana

    How do you even turn it on lol

  • marihuana

    Nevermind. I figured it out

  • Bouncy


    how did you do it? i still cant see it.

  • marihuana


    i don't know but this is what i've heard: they're slowly adding it to other servers

  • wildashyt

    If your still asking questions please read this

  • Kevin (he/him)

    Why did this replace quoting?  Quotes are still useful!

  • Xɪɢɢʏ

    So, this reply feature literally makes having someone blocked in a server or channel useless.


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