Favourite emoji feature rather than recently used page
I want some emojis that I could access easily rather than trying to go through every page trying to find it or remembering the names of all of them, it would be so much easier if we could just add favourite emojis.
Nice! 1 -
I do definently enjoy seeing what I frequently use, but for sure I would love the ability to select my top emojis.
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Agreed. Would be much more useful.
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I requested just being able to add my own emojis, otherwise I'm opening up private servers. They cant claim worry over nsfw emojis crossing over because a nitro user can easily do that through nsfw servers since there is no control over that
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I really want this. I have all my todolists for school and in general are on my discord. When im done with something i react to it with a ''check'' emoji. the issue is that i have to search for the emoji every time i want to react to a message. wierdly the emoji doesnt show up in my recently used tab either.
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