Pin Limit
In channels and DMs the pin limit is only 50 messages. It feels as though in long-lasting servers and DMs with old friends it is so difficult to keep the pins to 50 messages, when you have to constantly delete old pins. Why is it not possible to increase the pin limit to at least 100 if not more?
unfortunately it's more for dms than anything else- thanks so much for the link though!
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No problem my dude, I hope discord can get this sorted, I feel like it's not a huge ask.
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I also just hit my limit in my DM with my girlfriend. We have a lot of memories together over the last year, and since our relationship is long distance (Just for a little bit longer anyway, moving to her soon) everything we've done that we wanted to save, or planned to do, little art pictures, motivational words, etc. I've pinned, and I just hit the limit today. Discord, change this, you've become pretty shit as a platform with this issue now added on top of many others I have with Discord. Snapchat allows us to pin things infinitely, why not you? If I have to pay your $5/m shit just to have unlimited pins, I wouldn't care, just give us unlimited pins.
@BishopAdams - If you get that working for DMs, let me know. Or a way to have it save to a downloadable file would also be great
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Discord pleeease 😭
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+1 Server Admins should be able to set the pin limit.
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+1 Definitely should remove pin limit. My friends and I like to pin things in our DMs that serve as memories so one day we can just scroll through and remember all the fun we had or the dumb things we said. For servers, owners should be able to either set a limit or remove it entirely.
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Discord really needs to change this. 2 years is way too long to change something this simple.
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Please add. We use pins to bookmark pictures as you have no copy.
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more pins.
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please add this!!
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+1 Still Relevant, raise the limit Discord!
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SUPER down with this, i hate only having 50 pins!
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Server Boost Perk?
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+1 on this for sure. Literally only 50 for Direct Messages? If I pin 2 things a month in a DM that caps me at being out theoretically forever in about 2 years. That's not sustainable for conversations and DM's with friends that I've had on Discord for years. I'd +2 this thread if I could!
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this thread has now been going on for more than 2 years, and would be a simple fix on the part of discord. the introduction of threads shows that this isnt a storage issue, as storing large volumes of potentially unrellated discussions in a theoretically infinite and far more complicated system than the pins.
it is clear that the issue of pins is either systemic, in that increasing the number would require a re-work of critical functions of discords infrastructure, or that discord is too interested in new features to support existing ones.either way i am unimpressed with discords handling of the pin limit and hope for a reasponse soon.
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I have 15 messages pinned and it gives me this error saying I reached the 50 limit.
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Yeah we closed our main mod chat since we hit the pin limit. Started a new one and not even 15 days later we hit the pin limit again
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ya, i run a school/homework server and we have peoples names pinned but we now have over 50 ppl in the server
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Please increase the pin limit, or remove it entirely. Me and my friend like to pin dumb/funny things we have said and it gets annoying when we have to go through them and delete a ton of them. this would also be a problem for large servers who need to pin important things.
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We have closed i think 6 or 7 chats channels in our moderator category. We go through on about every half month maybe a month.
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PLEASE. I have multiple channels and group DMs my friends and I have had for years
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3 years and this is still a problem
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yes 50 is way too few, i hate having to delete historic posts just because we've hit the limit. I want it to be a streamlined collection of the best posts in the thread. there shouldn't be a limit, or if there has to be one, it should at least be 1000 or something.
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PLEASE. This has gotten so bothersome me and my friend EMAILED Discord about it. They got back to us, but only told us to "vote up" the suggestions here. We are desperate.
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