Report user
this is the feedback server if you want to report other members pls follow this link
Discord Support1 -
hi ban this guy here his message id 678444494135361561 he been sending gore and inappropriate
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here are more messages this was him sending nudes 678451254145318952
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441619067594473482 Fake Cc And Nitro Gift cc hacker
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hi this guy 547537829131976714 is asking to pay for someone for the ip address and i'm scared it is me please ban him
here is his message 686258781709008899
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530363439932243968 He blew up my server.
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We should ban this ID personal swear to people's families 303573516962234369 so pathetic :dd
2 -
ꂑ ' Furkan Hâżŕētłēŕí#5381 Nuri Abi Bak Bu Cocuk Gəlmiş Herkeze Sovuyo Diyo Dc Kurucusuna Falan Sovuyo Ban Yesin
-1 -
693419619163176971 this user
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684347829052899335 Being insensitive and making fun of a girls suicide.Also,posses a potential threat towards those with suicidal thoughts or tendencies.
1 -
He swore at me and my mom and dad.550375937385168906
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He swore at me and my mom and dad.590890641194483712
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Please ban
He swore at me and my mom and dad.550375937385168906
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Abi ban atın şuna DreaMSoLdİErrJCD#8949 550375937385168906 anneme felan küfür ediyo
0 -
Hello there,
You can make your complaint notification from the section, they cannot provide instant support from here.
Hopefully your problem will be solved as soon as possible
Best wishes,
3 -
322668001407008769 This user He is swearing to me (Turkish language)
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Ya beni report ettiniz ya
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Yanlış kişi
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r0wkok # 0001 doing b4b in turkish id:487883664168976406
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#0001 coin scammer 6942912281074730270 -
this guy 597801920438075428 he cheated my friend
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Hello discord makers722542600149794918 id person swore at my mom
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ya kardeşim neden beni reportluyon
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discord also uses the message bot to anyone who is forbidden0 -
Merhabalar Xloeran adlı kişi nitro vercem diyor 10 invite yaptım nitromu vermedi
1 -
He's making racism pls ban this child
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OGVEXX#0606 he was posting videos and photos of people dying
0 -
Klatrat Hidrat#1844 492775355342651408
Sunucumu hackledi gerekenlerin yapılmasını istiyorum.0 -
cr#9999 benim hakkında bir video yapmışlar o yüzden gerekenlerin yapılmasını istiyorum hatta o videonunda DISCORD üzerindende blocklanmasını istiyorum benim hakkımdaki şeyler olduğu için
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