Discord Nitro Family Plan
This is a very good idea coming from yours truly bob ross
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Sounds like a great idea. I think we should implement this because it will encourage more people to get nitro.
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<3 Great idea
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This Shit GOOD
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this is the best idea ive heard all week and i agree 100%
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Do it so ummmm we can get more people in and shrimps lots of those
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This is the best thing that I have seen all week,
and if i could, i would pay to
upvote this 300 times
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Needs to happen I would love to make the purchase!!!
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I would love to see this implemented. Except one recommendation is that you add slots on how many people you are going to put on the plan. Like you pay for spots.
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I would buy this. Hubby and I both wan't nitro, but really can't afford it for both of us.
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Would want this for both hubby and me too, it's really impossible to pay 99.99 * 2
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It's been a year.. Discord marketing team, where art thou?? Implement this, please!
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Interesting Hmm🤔 Beautiful Idea
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I just purchased my two best friends nitro, but I didn't know it was a one-month only thing. I wanted to buy them a 1 year subscription but pay monthly. A family plan would be amazing.
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I know plenty of people that would be interested on this, myself included. It would be great if this was implemented!
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Would really like this because I have one account for more business-esque matters and one for personal matters and I only have Nitro on this account, can't do $200 each year for Nitro, but I would go for something like that if it were across 3-4 accounts and I could split with family.
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Hell yeah this would be great.
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Everyone in my family wants Nitro now that I have it, but I would hate to have to manage 4 separate subs. I would love to see a plan with 4-6 logins, with maybe 2 server boost slots (optional).
We already have family plans with Spotify and several other online apps that we all use. I don't even care so much about discounts, just being able to manage the accounts as a single unit would be good.
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Ditto all of the above. Nitro is too much for either of us (our budget is practically 0 tbh) but I would be far more tempted by a family plan, and our budget won't be 0 forever.
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Just signed up for Nitro but was wondering "My girls could sure use Nitro as well" like they use Disney+, Spotify, and Netflix. I think it will bring more people wanting to sub too :3
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+1 for this
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Would love if this was a feature, and I'd be more likely to actually buy Nitro if I could share it with family.
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