Add "reason" argument to couple events
The ban method has reason as an argument. Although, the event guildBanAdd doesn't have it. It would be interesting to add it to the event to be able to manage bans from a bot command but also from the right-click menu.
There are also other methods that have reason as argument. It's for example the case for kick or setMute.
guildBanAdd is not a method, it's an event. You can add a reason to GuildMember.ban(). Also Discord can't help you with that. Discord.js is a separate library that isn't contributed to by any of the Discord staff. You can submit feedback to Discord.js in the Discord.js server (link on
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Sorry for my vocabulary mistake. I won't forget that it's not a method but an event!
I know that Discord.js is not maintained by Discord team but it is built above Discord API and if I am not saying wrong, the ban with a right click doesn't ask for a reason and the ban event doesn't use any reason variable.
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