New Update Unread Scrolling



  • YouMustDerp

    Yes I have this too and its so annoying since I like to watch chat while playing games and have to constantly tab over to scroll to newer messages, Please add an option to disable this feature!

  • Burkino

    Yes, this is so annoying.
    You used to be able to have Discord be unfocused and still scrolling in chat, now it just gets stuck at the last read message.

    TBH, the entire new UI just doesn't look at nice as it did before. Now whenever you hover over a message the background of the message turns darker. The messages seem to have slightly less spacing between them.
    The 1 thing that does look nicer is the popout from the "More" button on a message.

  • Razwerkz

    This is a bit cumbersome if you use multiple displays and like to watch messages on the second screen while in-game. You have to refocus the Discord window and clear your unreads, or it won't scroll automatically.


    This is so annoying. Why won't it just auto scroll?????


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