Please Stop Changing Things. also some suggestions
not gonna lie i just want to go back to discord interface 6 months ago. your update to the new twimoji was poorly executed, your mobile update changing placements of icons on the bottom left was literally just making life more difficult (flipping positions? really?) and the newest ones that made the "new messages" bar smaller? harder to find? are you insane? changing blocked messages to be MORE intrusive and GLOW blue and require fine motor control? making every message you hover over show distracting reactions? every message shows a time stamp with hovering? changing colors to be brighter? are you trying to make this site harder and less pleasant to use????
PLEASE. The updates we want to keep from the last 6 months or gain are like:
- retaining the nitro update
- keeping custom statuses
- new twimojis but *not* changing the old ones
- locking channel permissions
- the ability to toggle your updates on and off (obviously)
New suggestions bc im a fool who just realized these would also be good things to add to 6 months ago discord
- an account page, for your eyes only
- literally just leave everything the same, but instead of the friends thing have the "my account" thing
- allows you to make changes there as well, same account thing as if you press the settings button
- basically im just asking for you to revamp the settings and friends pages to be more accessible and less cluttered
- view friends page there in a tab
- shows you blocked users and friend list and stuff there in a Friends subtab
- also there should be a "hide messages" and a "block" button. sometimes i need to hide messages from a person (like current block settings). sometimes i wish that id never see the person at all ever. make them not exist.
- archived but not deleted conversations
- those archived conversations/ any messages being accessible through account page
- groupchats list accessible through your account page
- having an account history thing with old usernames, nicknames, and profile pictures
- showing you all the servers you have ever been in
- showing all your current servers
- also on your account page you can delete dumb/bad things, obviously
- allowing you to toggle things there, like superdark mode, light mode, the ui changes, privacy..
- i say obviously but with these tumblr update roll outs im not sure how obvious anything is, anymore.
- (have you just been quietly testing out how annoying or obtrusive or bad updates you could get away with? bc let me tell you im sick of it)
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