Auto-Disable Unread Message Badge in Do Not Disturb Mode?
I work on a Mac and was surprised to find that DND mode DID suppress desktop notifications and sounds, but DID NOT suppress the little red badge from showing up on the Discord icon in the toolbar. Automatically disabling the badge when DND mode is on seems like the obvious thing to do.
There is an option in settings to disable it globally. So all that is needed is a toogle IF DND Mode is on, this is set.
BUT not all Users - myself included - want that... Badges are nice so you can see WHAT is new... also in DND Mode there are no sounds. So everything is fine!
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I'm bumping this, because I would also like this feature.
WRT what TheMarkus1204 said, while that's a valid point, there's no reason something like this couldn't also be on a toggle. As it is, I need to remember to go into settings and toggle it back the way it was every time, which is just a little clunky.
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Agreed with Derfisch95. When I go "Do Not Disturb", I don't want to be disturbed by anything--even an unread badge. When I turn it off, then show me the unread count again.
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