Seaweed, Emoticon.
Recently it has come to My Attention, that there is a Distinct Lack of Seaweed Emojis in Discord, This might be one Giant Conspiracy Theory, But I'm just the Random No Life at 1am to Crack This Case Like an Omelette, An Omelette Sunny Side Up on the Four Bound For West Hook, It was a Stormy Night, Much like the one Tonight with the Roaring Thunder, Chicago P.D. had just Finished the episode of the Night, The Lights back at the Office always Flickered when a Storm was Coming, an Older Foxy Woman came knocking on My Door, Musta been something Serious, She tells me about an illegal Supply of Oysters Her Husband was moving into Town later that night, He being one of the wealthiest men in town, i eagerly took the Case as Food Supply was running low and I was almost out of Coffee. I rushed over to the side of the Bay at the Docks, Classic Batman Scenario, But WHAM I got struck in the head from behind, I awoke roughly 30 minutes later, proceeding to mumbling "i don't want to go to school mother, i want to play in the rain", I regretted speaking immediately. As the Bad Guy started relaying his dastardly plan to me Gloating and Basking in Victory, or so he Thought, He uttered the words, "This Town ain't no place for seaweed boy" as he was speaking i was slowly cutting my way free from the ropes, he kept going on and on until BAM, I snapped the chair and ropes and threw a Quick Left Hook at the First Guard, BOOM, a right backhand to the second, POW, now it was just me and anti seaweed man, he had been wearing a mask, i presumed some sort of felicia character, we then viciously fought for the gun laying on the floor from the first guard, we both struggled being evenly matched, and WHAM, a strike to the gut sent him packing backwards, backwards to the rails, I promptly Grabbed the gun and kept him frozen, frozen with fear and the over looming smell of Oysters, He Screamed his battle cry "FNSIDGBUGBISNGKSNFSKLDNABRTBWTBASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and so, I had no choice but, to pull the Trigger, which sent his body to the ground faster than a baby out the womb, As he Layed there, Lifeless and Bleeding out, I walked over him back to the Crate we had been fighting for, I pryed the Crate Open with a Crowbar, a Crowbar made of Metal, Eventually Though the Crate Lid Popped off and made a Loud bang as it Hit to Floor, and there it lay, The Seaweed, The Oysters were a cover and a slang on the Streets for Seaweed, and I knew, This Had been just what I was Looking For.
i was v tired and sleep deprived ty
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smh my head
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Discord's uses Twemoji for the Emojis you see within Discord, which will have an emoji for each of the Standard unicode emojis out there. Sadly as Seaweed is not one of these emojis and unlikely that discord will add a separate emoji for this.
If you wish to use this emoji, you can always add one to your favourite server(s) and use it on there, or get Discord nitro and be able to use it on all servers.
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