Logitech G HUB integration
Can you add a feature allowing you to bind Push-to-talk to a mouse/keyboard button in Logitech G HUB? I have to have PTT and the mouse button bound to F24, but i'd like my F24 key for use on my other mouse buttons with in-game features.
I want this functionality as well. I have the G933 Headset and previously had the G930 back when Ventrilo was still one of the predominant VoIP Chat programs. Ventrilo had that ability and I could even map the PTT to one of the G-Keys on the headset so I could still use PTT and go get the door or a drink and not miss out on the important conversations. Even Mapping the PTT Keybind to a G-Key (in my case I use the tilde: ~) doesn't work to activate the PTT.
EDIT: Although, I do wonder if the issue is in the Logitech G-HUB software and its API's. Hopefully we will get a dev, even a 3rd-party one, give us a clue on it. My programming experience is Pascal. LOL.
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I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with discord and instead is on Logitech's end.
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I have a problem with GHub. Each time a click on "enable" on Ghub interface for discord integration, i have a error in discord's developer console.
this request doesn't works( status code 400). https://discordapp.com/api/v6/oauth2/authorize?client_id=227491271223017472&response_type=code&scope=rpc.notifications.read%20rpc.api%20rpc%20identify%20guilds.
I tried to clean cache, but nothing works. How can i fix that ?
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Hi, It works now with the new update of logitech (version 2020.4.47660). Logitech has fixed authorize request.
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I just made it, is a little tricky. I'm not used to speak english so i'll try to make it as clear as possible:
Open Discord> Authorized apps>Logitech G>Unauthorize
Close* out of Discord
In G-Hub, click "active profile" to get to the "INTEGRATIONS" settings on the next menu.
Click Discord, which should sat Inactive and Enabled. Change it to Disabled. USE THE TOGGLE BUTTON (IMPORTANT)
Close* out of G-Hub.
Then Launch Discord Launch G-Hub, then go back to the "Integrations" setting. Change Discord to "Enabled" USE THE TOGGLE BUTTON (IMPORTANT)
Prompt in Discord should pop up to Authorize G-Hub *CLOSE MEANS TO GO TO SMALL ARROW (next to date in desktop) WHERE HIDDEN ICONS ARE, RGHT CLICK AND QUIT
Once Authorized, close out of both applications and reboot the PC. (I didn't need to)
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Hey Mr. Tuyi
Tried it, got the option to authorize G-HUB, pressed yes. Still didn't work. Hope someone can fix this.
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Has there been a fix found for this yet? Mine was working until this week, but G-Hub actions stopped working. Now, even after re-authorizing G-Hub, actions aren't working.
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Same problem here. Everything was working correctly until today. Don't know if some update did it or what but it becomes tiring. None of "fixes" up in this post aren't working today
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G Hub updated today for me and the issue has started again. It's probably an issue on their end...which is a lot more difficult to get fixed. :(
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Yes i got the same issue
Edit: Now i just got an update
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Me too, yesterday it worked as normally but today the integration isnt working ;-;
Maybe a g hub updateIf you have new info pls update
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me too, I cant use the buttons on my mouse to mute me, if someone knows how to fix that tell me.
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I got an idea. That's not a fix but kinda a bypass. In G Hub, assign some useless key like F24.
Then in discord in the Shortcuts section look for what action you want to (in my case it's Mute) and click that button. Now it works fine. Don't wait for logitech to fix that bug, it's gonna take months for them XD
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surechand how do you set F24 in discord? I tried Shift+F12 but it didn't work...
Edit: As I'm a owner of a G815 I managed do set one of the G keys as F24, so I did a bypass to achieve another :)
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You assigned a function to the button right? So you just need to press that button on mouse
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surechand yeah, it didnt work for some reason, but I assigned another button then worked (shrug)
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I know that the issue is not caused by Discord, but by GHub! Other Integration doesn't work too.
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The same happened to me, after the last update the integration stopped working. For some reason even though the integration is enabled its status is "inactive".
You can create a macro in G HUB and assign it to a key on your mouse effectively achieving the same result. Make sure you don't set shortcuts that are also used by other apps.
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Same issue after the last update. GHUB will not detect Discord as open from Assignments > Actions. Every time GHUB gets updated the integration always breaks. Frustrating.
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Same Problem here. But the workaround from "surechand" a few comments above works great.
Thx man!0 -
Please fix this bug. Yes you can create a macro but if the discord window is minimized the macro wont work.
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I just did what Mr.Tuyi ^ did at first ("I just made it, is a little tricky. I'm not used to speak english so i'll try to make it as clear as possible:
Open Discord> Authorized apps>Logitech G>Unauthorize
Close* out of Discord
In G-Hub, click "active profile" to get to the "INTEGRATIONS" settings on the next menu.
Click Discord, which should sat Inactive and Enabled. Change it to Disabled.")
and it works. thx buddy0 -
After I done that close both apps after Disabled Discord at Integrations on G915, and reboot, Now even the Discord is missing in G Hub.. Excellent..
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can someone help me, its been telling me this for awhile and idk how to fix it
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Unauthorized/reauthorized the integration but it tells me:
Available actions for this integration:
Mute Self
Deafen Self
Join Voice Channel
Leave Voice ChannelNo option for PTT
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