Suggestion: Moving channels in audit logs
I really hope this one gets added to discord. There’s a troll in my staff team who keeps moving channels, and you really could see that it was done on purpose, and not accidentally. But we can’t know who it was because it doesn’t log :/
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We need need need this! I'm staff in a server where there's some sort of staff member who likes to play pranks on us, but everyone keeps denying it. They aren't stopping anytime soon either! There were channels that teleported 15 channels up or down, so they'd need an obnoxiously big computer screen or they did it on purpose! It's extremely annoying, and the audit log doesn't help us with this investigation either. They basically chose the best way to annoy the whole staff team since there's virtually no way they can be caught!
Here's an example of a bot mini-games channel becoming announcement-worthy!
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Well, please add it. We need that.
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Hey, I literally suggested this on Twitter the other day. Haha.
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Please added this!!!!!!! It's annoy when someone move channel and we don't know who did it
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Idk what is happening but add it yes yes
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