Not interested in your American leftist propaganda
That virtue-signalling notification of yours disgusts me to the very core. Like all the other pseudo-woke American tech companies, you apparently have to use your business for virtue signalling and radical leftist propaganda. And not only that, you yourself are pushing racist, antagonizing and vilifying ideology and behavior that creates the division, chaos and discrimination, which you claim to fight. What on earth are you thinking?
This ludicrous and toxic assertion of "white supremacy" offends me deeply. Not only are you extremely overestimating how many true white supremacists there are out there, now you're vilifying all caucasians, all right-wingers and conservatives and everyone else who oppose all this nonsensical, hateful and chaotic BML-stuff, which is one big fat red herring and political scam. I think you're starting to see white supremacy and racism everywhere, and in the process you estrange and vilify everyone who doesn't bow down to your ideology and political stances.
"Racism is not only something you consciously do.". What a hideous sentence. You literally label everyone as racist. You assume everyone is racist. What a pathetic and vicious thing to say.
Your hypocrisy is staggering. You are silent when innocent white American veterans get killed in SWAT-raids. No reaction or understanding of that it's actually black-on-black crime that really hurts American blacks.You just band-wagon on the radical left's desperate attempt to have influence. I think you should be very careful about joining sides, siding with amateur terror organisations like Antifa and the opportunistic BLM-riots. You're letting yourself be fooled by the radical American left and their media allies, with their politically motivated BLM-riots, which only happens because the American left know they're going to lose their next presidential election.
Now you apparently also want to push surveillance technology so you can oust everyone who you deem as haters and white supremacists. It's a sorry excuse for pushing Orwellian technology for your own political interests. Let me guess, everyone who disagrees with your political views is a hater and white supremacist in your eyes?
It's weird and completely out of place to assume that all Discord users are even interested in the American political situation. As another user said, you seem to be all up-and-about with these BLM-riots, but apparently don't care at all about what's going on in Hong Kong. Hypocrisy!
Like the ridiculous self-serving pseudo-woke American left, you begin to see racism everywhere. You label all political opponents as "racists", as "haters" or whatever happens to be your favorite label. You proliferate the division and tension you claim to be against. You're fighting fire with fire. You are not solving the problem, you are a part of the problem.
I agree 100%
17 -
Very well written. Couldn't agree more. Thank you!!!
Hey discord, if you are trying to please the noisy 1% you are going to piss the silent 99%...19 -
Wonderfully put and well thought out post. Discord folk don't you dare think about deleting posts like these. This is what you brought upon yourselves. I cannot speak for anyone but myself here, but I like to think if you had never done this we all would of been happy to leave well enough alone and just go about another day of life, socializing, and gaming.
23 -
Sick of this BS . I've deleted discord and had all my clan members do the same. We will be using TS from now on.
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This guy gets it.
12 -
Couldn't put it better. Well done sir. Agree with you and hope that this hyped stance of Discord will change back to neutrality. Discord is for communicating with each other and not for communicating someone's opinion to everyone.
13 -
So basically "I got angry about Discord supporting BLM with a banner I could easily ignore so I ditched it for an objectively inferior service with a far smaller userbase."
Real mature.
-18 -
CatsupEmpire false they said they are going to be rolling out a spy bot that reads all messages and all posts you have ever made and a lot of people use ts3 and refuse to use discord because of them being partly owned by tencent aka china
6 -
As a minority person living in America i find the BLM Group support to be offensive because they condone violence, Rioting, looting and other crimes against law enforcement, Who are just trying to do their jobs, as well as elevating criminals to something to be admired and made into martyrs instead of working hard, getting a good education and making their own lives better. I do not post anything against anyone no matter who they are. I do not consider myself a victim even though my race of people were all put on reservations or massacred.
6 -
Johnny Law Where have they said that they’ll implement spy bots? The closest thing that Jason Citron said in his medium article was that they are “investing significant engineering resources internally to develop software to find and manage abuse proactively.“ Also Tencent invested in Discord but also in other companies such as Reddit, Ubisoft, Epic Games and Bluehole. I think Discord should only be boycotted if they start pushing pro CCP stuff.
-11 -
"investing significant engineering resources internally to develop software to find and manage abuse proactively"
That's where they said they are implementing spybots.
5 - please watch this it is said way better then i can!
1 -
Statement: Black lives matter. Yes they do. Absolutely.
Fact: Black Lives Matter (capital letters) is a political organization. If you go to their website, blacklivesmatter dot com, and hover over the Donate button, it goes to actblue dot com, which basically gives money to the Democrats running for election.
Statement: I do not believe in fascism.
Fact: Antifa is a political group. Just because a group has a name like "anti fascists" doesn't mean a damned thing. That would be the same logic as a group called Never Wrong going out and doing horrible crimes and expecting to get away with it because they are "Never Wrong." Please understand, this is how they recruit people with vulnerable minds. Their logic is something like... "You are either pro fascist or anti fascist pick a side." And since you don't agree with fascism you find yourself recruited. This is wrong. You can disagree with fascism and not be a part of Antifa. Engage your critical thinking and resist the propaganda of the illiberal mob.
4 -
Glad I'm not the only one. The moment they turn Discord into another snowflake comfort zone by enforcing "political correctness" and such, we're going to ditch it the same way we ditched FB, Twitter and all of the other liberal social media platforms without second thought.
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Vote with you $ dont buy nitro or switch to team speak.
3 -
agreed 200%. why do I as an Australian have to look at some US propaganda by marxists about "white fragility"
"I think Discord should only be boycotted if they start pushing pro CCP stuff."
Reminder China is literally supporting BLM for burning America down... Hmm...
4 -
OP: ""Racism is not only something you consciously do.". What a hideous sentence. You literally label everyone as racist. You assume everyone is racist. What a pathetic and vicious thing to say."
If your entire rant is based off that, you're grossly misinterpreting what that sentence says. When I read that, I see "Racism is not only something one can consciously do." That means you can both do it consciously and unconsciously, and you have to watch out for learned patterns that might not be the most beneficial to everyone involved.
Also, if you believe that Antifa is a political organization and not an ideology that someone put a website up for, you're getting your news from fascists. My Little Pony websites also exist, that doesn't make them a real thing you can believe in. Or does it? I guess if you're American enough, it does.
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