My notes from people on discord are disappearing



  • verici


  • Nelia

    I have the same Problem. It is really annoying since i save important stuff to remember about people there. And now i dont even remember the stuff anymore. Thanks Discord... 

  • Steven4547466

    Same, and after they're deleted I can't seem to even re-add notes to users.

  • Furen

    I too keep losing things. Names for people who change their usernames frequently, dates, important notes for people, etc. All gone. I had a few fun things I wanted to keep, and I now have lost all of them. And they can't be recovered, so now I'm lost. I needed one of those notes for a friend in the future.

    Thankfully I didn't save things that needed to be remembered desperately.

  • Pizza-Dave

    I like to keep notes on people of when i first interact with them, the first time they DM me or important dates to them like birthday/anniversaries.... all gone now.

  • Lukas11112000

    I have lost notes for at least two times now.
    Until now it was always just some notes that were lost, so not a complete loss, but just now i have lost all my notes.
    I have looked in the Android app - not there, browser - not there, discord desktop restarted - not back. 

    For the future maybe there should be an "EXPORT" option for notes and especially the chats.. discord has lost my data one too many times and I do not want to take any chances

    I am at a loss of words how discord can loose these notes, these notes represent the things I never want to forget about someone, they have high personal value and having all of them vanish at once is slightly heartbreaking  for me.

    I hope they are in the "request all your data" package.. if not i have some hard time remembering all the things i had noted - because i note things for a reason: so i don't forget them.. 

    PS. There is a limit on how many notes you can make, it was around 200-250 (maybe it changes). I am sure not to have reached this limit, also this limit only prevents the saving of new notes, and doesn't cause deletion of ALL notes..

  • Luminair

    Just noticed that all my friend notes are gone too :(

  • SugarD-x

    I have a user note only on one user, so it isn't a limit issue. This is definitely a bug or internal system design flaw with Discord's database.

  • 🎄JoyfulTrxllz🎄

    I'm having the same issue as well. I hope Discord fixes this soon because I use them to know who's who, but they disappear and I have to keep re-adding the notes.

  • XANN

    I just realized I lost a bunch of notes too. I'm on a language exchange server where I meet a lot of new people from the same countries, so notes are a lifeline for me to remember who's who. What a crappy experience this has been.

  • Muselord

    I just noticed this a few days ago! I organize a smallish Discord of people and notes help me keep track of who's who. Very annoying that some of my notes are just mysteriously vanishing.

    I've also noticed that the notes I've tried to re-add to people haven't been sticking (they'll just go back to being blank if I re-open Discord later).

    EDIT: So after some poking around, it looks like the notes that have disappeared on the PC app are still there if I open up Discord on my phone! I also noticed that some notes that were "disappeared" previously on my PC are now displaying again if I close and re-open the app. Makes me think there's some kind of rendering issue going on and the data is still there. Still very annoying.

  • Hudsy

    Has Discord taken action to this? I literally had to make a server, copying names and userIDs and putting a note as text, in alphabetical order. 

  • This has been happening for years. It's just a thing Discord does from time to time and the only guess I have as to why it happens is there's some sort of limit to user notes and once you hit that limit, new notes will overwrite new ones but that hasn't always seemed to remain true so it's most likely just some odd bug/oversight.

  • XANN

    I've submitted a report to Discord Support. They treat it as a feature request with a generic e-mail template. As far as I care, they can all go hump each other while their bug fest of a service is eventually outcompeted.

  • Aza

    For a post from a year ago. This is still an issue. Here is the second week I am attempting to add notes for all my friends on my friend list. It auto deletes right after I add the note because I checked it twice. Please fix this Discord, in the next update... Why? Why has it been an entire year and this bug still exists?! If you're not going to fix the bug, you might as well delete the entire Note system. Because none of us can use it!! 

  • Gingug

    What progress has been made on this? I've only ever. Seen people lose notes without any response. Discord, is this really how you implement your features?

  • TutePlays

    I have the same issue today. Please show me my notes again!


    I and others on one of my servers have been having notes disappear as well. Bummed that notes I've taken over the course of several months just up and disappear. :(

  • SugarD-x

    This is still an issue. It just happened to me yet again...

  • hope

    I JUST HATE THIS. I write some notes because small brain cannot remember people. Now it's gone! This is annoying

  • Nemesis

    I am having this issue right now, my notes on two people who i have had on discord for over 5 years have disappeared. I've also had it happen on other people.

  • PaperGolems

    Is it because you're in Streamer Mode? I had the same issue and restarted but noticed I had a warning saying I was in stranger mode. Turning that off brought my notes back! 

  • Vibrating Turtle

    This has been an issue for more than two years. I don't even believe the community posts work, it's just an excuse for Discord to have people type out issues so that they don't get personal feedback directly to them. Instead of coding to make Discord look aesthetically pleasing from time to time, how about they actually fix an issue that's been reoccurring.

  • hope

    I JUST HATE THIS. I write some notes because small brain cannot remember people. Now it's gone! This is annoying. If anyone have solution please tell me

  • SugarD-x

    This is not just a streamer mode issue. It appears to be a problem on the Discord back-end with losing this specific data.

    My guess is during certain system reboots or updates, the data is lost from memory because it doesn't get properly written to disk on Discord's end. My theory on this is further supported by the fact that a bad mobile connection in the phone app loads it separately from the rest of the profile info, which means it has to retrieve the data remotely from a different system or location, (or through a separate method), than what the rest of the profile data uses. The profile banners load this same way. (Probably to load more efficiently so users don't have a massive delay on a poor connection). If I am correct, only a Discord technician or developer can fix this issue. Upvoting it will be the only way to get their attention on here to resolve this bug too.

  • Javier

    Years later… this is still happening on both desktop and mobile. Does Discord even care about their users?? This is such a simple fix. Fix your buggy code, Discord!

  • Anomie Normie

    This is getting worse, it's now disappearing every few days.

  • XANN

    Vibrating Turtle I agree with you. Try sending them an actual polite letter in the mail instead. Their address is 444 De Haro Street Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94107 USA. I'm sure you can find the appropriate addressee somewhere online.


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