Explore Public Servers on Mobile
Would be nice.
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Would be nice.
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Yes, I really hope this gets added so I don't have to go on my computer every time I want to find a new server!
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Yes, would be nice.
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How do you not have this on the app! Its a basic function. I can't join a server my friends want me to join that they can invite me too. This is computer BS.!
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I agree this would be a very nice feature
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Why isn’t this a thing?
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Your 8 year old kid probably shouldn’t have discord considering it’s against ToS
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Would be nice
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Yes I need this feature!
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To be honest, I have no idea as to why this is not a feature for mobile. Isn’t it an essential part of discord to literally join servers? Joining servers only via invites is genuinely stupid because how can you be the one sending invites to your friends if you can’t join respective servers directly in the first place?
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made a reddit post about it.
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This should be a feature, legit I need to find a math server or something for tips but I can't at all in phone.
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If this doesn’t become a feature then I think that discord is abusing mobile users 😤
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This would be *REALLY GOOD*
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I honest to god do not know why this isn’t a feature on mobile. It used to be, for iOS, and it then got deleted about a week later. I mainly use discord on my phone, and it’s so annoying that every time I want to join a server, I have to turn on my laptop. Seriously discord, you’ve had this feature before. Just add it in again
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Discord please add… thanks ☺️ 😊 🙏🏼 love u guys 😘 😚 😘 💗 ❤️ 💗 ❤️ 💗
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Agreed. But, you could always go to the website too. But it would be nice to have it in the app if it's also on pc and browser!
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Please add this...
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It would be noice
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PLEASE DO THIS DISCORD! It’s just an average feature and using the app on mobile should be just as easy as pc. That’s how you get more downloads on mobile. Just saying.
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Would be really great if u could add this discord. I am currently without a computer (in the process of getting a new one) but can’t explore public servers on my iPad, inwould love it if you could add this feature
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Well I guess I am not the only one really perturbed by this- at 2 years blatantly ignored. This seems to be commonplace with apps removing features- my guess is discord wants to gather/sell more of your data by having your phone app tied to a computer. I guess a quick solution is to just use your phone web browser and select ' display desktop version'. Congratulations, you can now use a non gimped version of discord on your phone and you didn't have to download anything or give discord access to your permissions!
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Ya would save a lot of time
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How is this missing from the app?
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Still awaiting this feature
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