Hardware Mute Switch notification
Why does discord tell me when I've pressed the button on my headset to mute my mic? Of course I know it's switched, I pressed it.
The support link it takes you to doesn't even work.
The banner shouldn't exist.
Because of the way hardware mutes work, they don't notify the OS, or any apps running therein, that the source is muted. So all Discord can tell is that suddenly there's no audio coming in, which might be a problem with your setup, hence the warning.
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I agree, this is a complete nuisance. All it does it add a blaring red banner which pushes everything else down and doesn't even have an exit button to close it.
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I agree with both of you, this "feature" is a spam notification and I hate it.
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Agreed. I push it once, purposely, but after unmuting it won't go away. Please give us an option to X out of this, or to disable it. It is a PITA!
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I have the same problem.
The notification is annoying and unneeded. The red color and "support" message at the end make it look like a error message that try to tell you there is a problem with your mic, but there isn't.
I just want to use my mic hardware mute without having discord popping up that BIG RED BANNER on top (look at the picture).
The support link on the right of it doesn't even work an redirect to a 404 page.
Sometimes the popup is even bugged and keep showing even if I unmuted my hardware mic, making it even more annoying.
Disord please remove it or add on option to disable it.
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Disord please remove it or add on option to disable it.
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Bump. This is an obnoxious “feature.”
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Please add an option to disable this message, it has no reason to exist as I know I pressed the mute button
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Please fix this! This is so obnoxious and irritating! Why does it exist in the first place??
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I have a razer headset and when I mute the headset itself I get a notif about it being muted.
I saw an option to turn off the banner and I ticked it but it didnt stop the banner at all. Fix this please. Preferably have it removed entirely. at the very least default it to never show unless you change it yourself.9 -
Terrible feature
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More than a year and still no solution?
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Reviving this thread. PLEASE REMOVE THIS BANNER
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Bump, this red banner is garbage.
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It's a small red banner across the top of the window, that would help out thousands more unaware users than are annoyed by an alert letting them know something they already know.
If the banner wasn't there, there would be users hunting high and low through settings to try and work out why they can't be heard, whereas this little prompt lets them know "Discord isn't hearing anything, maybe check your cables and your mute switch?".
Sure, it's not useful for you, but it's hardly like it's taking over the entire screen and flashing in your face. There is no way for Discord to know if the problem is the mic is disconnected, broken, or muted, as in all 3 cases all it gets is dead silence, so it's easier to err on the side of caution and let the user know something's not right. Want to mute without getting the banner? How about using a keybind to toggle the mic in Discord! Or even have a push-to-mute to cover coughs. Both are available.
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No, it's an annoyance. Its very presence bugs the ever-living crap out of me. Let us disable it or remove it.
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It's a legitimate annoyance. I have a red light in my face when I want my mic muted on my headset already. I don't need extra messages popping up on my Discord app telling me that my hardware switch is turned on. Push-to-talk is a great technology for people without quality microphones, but I don't need to press and hold an extra button every time I want to speak. I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to not be annoyed by something I use every day.
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I'm not saying Push-To-Talk, I'm saying "Toggle Mic" or "Push-to-MUTE". And while it may annoy you, it's not something that's broken or working in a way that isn't intended. It's a tiny message that can be easily ignored.
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Let's just say you're in disagreement with everyone else. I bought the headset knowing there's a mic mute indicator. You don't have one of these headsets, do you? This legit doesn't affect you, then.
"Easily ignored" is entirely subjective, too. It's a bright red message that I DO NOT LIKE THE APPEARANCE OF.
Speak for yourself and keep your opinions reasonable.
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Anaerin This is being reported because it is a bug:
The option to disable this banner already exists, but turning this option off does not work and the notification banner continues to pop-up.
Discord should either fix the issue with this toggle, which does nothing at the moment, or remove the toggle from the settings (in which case I will gladly submit this as a new feature request).
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just adding that mine does this too, would really appreciate a fix cause the big red bar is a bit distracting :(
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my mute switch isn't even on and it's showing
where tf is the "ok don't care" button?
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Bump, please fix it so we can turn this off. There is no reason we shouldn't be able to disable it.
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Still waiting on a fix for this. I know the mute is on -- I pressed the button.
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Just another bump because this feature is such an eye sore. At least let us disable it or have a way to turn it off when it pops up. I use my mute button all the time on my headset, and absolutely hate that bar. It's annoying, distracting, and unnecessary.
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PLEASE let us get rid of this! It is so annoying! For a while I was able to open the support link and it would go away, now it won't unless I restart Discord... Which is a pretty big nuisance when I'm trying to talk to my friends in chat.
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If anyones still facing the problem I found this solution on reddit- If you select your microphone as the default recording device in Windows, you can select "Default" in Discord and the warning disappears. Props to the redditor
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^ This actually worked thank you so much !
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Above comment appears to solve the issue; setting input to default after setting it to default recording device in Windows settings appears to fix it.
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Bump because this is still a bug and we shouldn't have to figure out a way around this just to get it off the screen.
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