Popout webcam/screenshare so you can have them on different screens
So now that you can simultaneously have webcam and screensharing in DMs AND servers, it would be great to be able to individually pop out certain webcams/even have a customizable grid so you can make the screenshare bigger than the camera but not have the camera tiny.
Best solution would be to have popout options for each webcam/screenshare seperately! So you can have them on different screens.
even with one its useful because you can pop them out and make custom sized windows!
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i imagine its not as useful for people with one monitor...but for people like me who have 3 this is just handy as crud ^-^
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absolutely phenomenal
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I was just about to post this same thing, would be an awesome feature.
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This would be incredibly useful for my work and for hobbies.
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It would be so usefull !!
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This would be a huge blessing for streamers, most of which who use discord video chat to have guests on their streams, as it would massively streamline the currently laborious task of:
* pop out video call
* create a new window capture source for guest 1
* crop the source to fit just the participant video
* repeat infinity times depending on number of guests, and if any one of them leaves the chat, go back and re-crop every single source because all the participants have now shifted position inside the discord window
Having a unique application window per video chat participant bypasses this entire manual process and gives streamers one less issue to have to manage whilst live.
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Discord used to function this way. Please bring this back. Separating cameras from streams/screen shares is absolutely vital.
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Add support to have caller 1 see my camera A, and caller 2 my camera B. Individual callers could actually see you looking at them.
It would become feasible have multiple remote people join a physical meeting table, the screens placed where they would sit.0 -
This has become even more relevant in the age of Discord Activities. These are also lumped into the same grid / view as cameras and screenshare. Hard to play Chess in the Park while watching someone's stream.
1. You should be able to pop-out any individual stream (camera/screenshare/activites/etc).
2. You should be able to combine 2 or more streams into a single window.
Really the only way to solve the problem.0
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