Hiding channel threads upon leaving their channels
Please let us have the choice to choose whether we want to see active threads in a server all the time or not. Keeping all the active threads in a server visible at the sidebar at all times really clutters it up. Right now the only way to achieve this is by muting a channel with threads that are still active, which is counterintuitive.
An option at User Settings to control this, along with a per-server override for it would be great!
Another possibility is to add a toggle for minimizing channel threads, which should be closed by default.
I have a similar problem: I've been added to a plethora of channels, and I don't just want to mute some, I want to completely remove myself from them. How do I block a channel, so that it isn't cluttering up my list?
The noise to signal ratio is so high that I've largely stopped using Discord.
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This suggestion should be applied to posts in forum channels too.
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