Scheduled Events Bot API
It would be great to have a way to access the events API /guilds/SERVER/events with a bot token.
I tried doing it with a test bot with admin rights and it always resulted in a code 50001 (missing access) response.
I was thinking of looking into writing a bot to sync events between discord and a google calendar.
Looks like there is official documentation now for the scheduled events API. Discord Developer Portal — Documentation — Guild Scheduled Event
Likewise. If we want to have any hope to use it, I need to be able to have it sync with our website.
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It seems like the GET /guilds/GUILD_ID/events endpoint can be called when passing the x-super-properties header.
Creating events is still not possible. The response is an error ("Bots cannot use this endpoint" Code: 20001) when making a POST request to the same endpoint.
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I would love to see the following to improve Scheduled Events, especially for smaller servers:
- Read (without the extra headers)
- Create
- (ideal/bonus) flag people as interested
I have a regular game night, but will only run it if X people are available (for MMOs I'm sure this is common for raid group roles)
Ideally I plan on having a bot check for interest and then create the event if the roles are filled.
#3 would makes this seamless as the people who have interact with the bot would automatically get added to the event.
I know I could manage all of this via bots, but I think using the built-in event system elevates the Event's prominence and visibility as opposed to a message in a channel from a bot.0 -
I noticed that some documentation was added recently for the scheduled events API. Looks like the new endpoints are bot accessible.
Discord Developer Portal — Documentation — Guild Scheduled Event
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Nice find LinuxKnight! I'm pretty pleased with what I'm seeing, it's got pretty much everything I need to do what I'm envisioning!
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LinuxKnight do you have a bot that works with scheduled events as I've been looking for one with a couple of communities I am involved in running
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Just ran into this, I'm using the new events api to display events across servers on a calendar format here:
Dunno if its exactly what people here were looking for but could be useful.
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scΛrecrowbi The bot that I was working on syncs events from google calendar to discord. Here's the code:
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Oh yeah, there are a few bots now that allow creating recurring Discord scheduled events
Check this out
If you're already using RaidHelper/Sesh/Apoll here is a good comparison between all of them: comparision comparison comparison
Raid comparison
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