Suggestion: Increase the friends limit
Hello community!
I have a suggestion! Currently, a Discord account can contain up to 1000 friends, however, I would like to have more and even with a nitro subscription, it's not possible!
I would suggest a significant increase in friendships to the maximum limit of 5000 friends or more for those who have a nitro subscription, because there are popular people on Discord and who they contact a lot of people, or for work situations and unfortunately Discord is limited to that.
- Ferme
You can always unfriend people you do not talk to anymore.
The max friends I had was 300, and i have been using Discord since 2017, so i have no clue how you would manage to get 1000.0 -
blackwolfwoof While its relatively rare for people to reach 1000 friends it does happen more than you might think. It's not an issue for you and probably never will be, as is is for most people. But for the small minority that does hit this limit, it's a massive issue. They literally cannot friend any new people ever again. And people who get to 1000 friends usually need to friend a lot of people for whatever reason.
And there are no technical reasons to enforce a limit of 1000 friends. from a technical standpoint thats pretty small. I don't understand why anyone would argue against increasing the limit.0
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