Disabled Account (Your account posted dehumanising or discriminatory content or incited violence towards an individual or community)




    Yet another account disabled for literally no reason. You need to open a support ticket. Problem is that discord routinely COMPLETELY IGNORES it. And they blacklist email associated to said discord account so you cannot reach support once they deny it the first time. gives discord the excuse the account was abandoned, and discord goes and deletes the account a month later.

  • Cloudy Mountain

    Hey man don't mean to be selfish or something but could you upvote this so discord could maybe see this


    the worst part of it all? I committed no crime on the discord platform at the time. seems like it got disabled within minutes of sending an email about a topic that was banned from discussion in the recent months if it is anything critical.


    I removed the app from the phone after I got disabled for no reason, suspecting and later getting confirmation, that the app was spying on me and sending information back to discord.

  • Cloudy Mountain

    I have sent several emails regarding this. In the first email, they reply by saying we won't reinstate the account (keep in mind I haven't done anything wrong) and the other 3 emails were just ignored. Discord please give my account back.


    If you send a new appeal, do you get ticket numbers in your email?

        Yes: Ticket is ignored, and closed. No feedback given - Account deleted in a month

        No: Your email was blacklisted, unable to reach support, Account deleted in a month.


    That is what happened to me, couple days ago. It can STILL be restored if discord stops being so stubborn, and a couple other words I would love to insert here, but they think they are allmighty, and can do whatever the hell they want. Currently tracking my account through its current renamed name, everything else associated was decoupled.

  • Cloudy Mountain

    Yeah they do give the number after I send a new appeal


    You're lucky. I got blacklisted.

  • Cloudy Mountain

    I am sorry man. I know how it feels to lose an account you have had for a long time. Losing all the progress on bots, losing all friends, losing all the servers ur in and many other things 

  • Cloudy Mountain

    Yeah, kind of the same thing happened to me. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just in servers which are toxic. I never participated in any of their raids or anything similar. I was just there on the server.

  • Anantha

    very sad to hear hopefully discord helps

  • KevinApple

    Hey! So I beleive I've been falsely disabled because I got an email from discord saying that my account was disabled due to theft or distribution of paywalled content when I myself know I haven't done that. Is there a way to get discord to notice the falsely disabled account? My disabled discord is KevinApple#3731.


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