Improve home tab by fixing"Active now"
It would be nice if there was an option in the settings to choose which users will appear in the "Active now" section. I'm having the problem of showing random users that I joined together on public servers in my home tab, showing what channels they are on, if they are streaming screen, playing a game or using a music bot.
Briefly, I would like to choose to show only users from my friends list in "Active now" and hide users I've only texted once months ago or users I've joined a voice call with on a server with thousands of people, who is appearing in the "Active now" for me are several people who I have no idea who they are or I have no interest in knowing what they are playing or what public channel they are on.
There is a way to do this, but I don't know if you would use it...
... First, go to the "Active Now" section and select the user you want, right click and block. When you block it, you can't message him/the room can't send it to you.
But when he does that, it doesn't appear.
Upvote if I'm helpful so I can see it..
Kind regards
Adithi1 -
It didn't work for me :/
The closing DM or clicking on the "X" don't erase the messages and the user still there on the "active now", the only way i found was blocking the user, but I don't want to block everyone without having anything against that person.0
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