Browser Version Extremely Slow (Chrome on Chrome OS)



  • Webb69

    Check to see if this feature is on or off in Discord by clicking on the settings within the software. Click over to Advanced to see your hardware acceleration settings. Switching from Enable to Disable, or vice versa, may solve the issue.


  • Josh Mick

    Check to see if this feature is on or off in Discord by clicking on the settings within the software. Click over to Advanced to see your hardware acceleration settings. Switching from Enable to Disable, or vice versa, may solve the issue. 

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  • Josh Mick

    To determine whether or not this feature is enabled in Discord, navigate to the settings menu within the software and click on it. To view the settings for your hardware acceleration, navigate to the Advanced menu option. It's possible that changing the setting from Enable to Disable, or vice versa, will fix the problem. 



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