Discord Events Optimization
The new Discord Events feature is very cool and great for activity in discord servers. Just a couple of things could make it even better:
1. Save past events that we have already hosted. This way, if a user wants to re-host the same event, they don't need to type again the description, title, and thumbnail of that same event. This is similar to just an app that remembers your order for takeout/delivery so that you can re-order it.
2. If an event is scheduled x minutes in advance, add a feature that posts a reminder on a specific channel that this event is about to start in x minutes. You can adjust the frequency of these reminders and choose the x.
3. Allow recurrent scheduling of an event. Just like any calendar system, if an event is recurrent, you can provide the frequency, date, and time.
4. A way to notify specific roles in the server of the event like a ping but different from here or everyone tags so that the mute everyone does not apply. In this way, a person can mute notifications from a server but not mute Events if they wish to do so.
5. Another way to notify users of an event without pinging them is to put a star on the discord server icon or make it flash if an event is active or about to start. I know that currently we have a small icon but that's not noticeable.
These are great ideas. Being able to create recurring weekly/monthly/etc events would also be very helpful.
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Definitely, I agree just like any basic calendar function, scheduling recurrence of an event will be very useful. Events is what helps discord servers be more active and brings users together. It is well worthwhile to invest in improving the Discord Events.
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I agree! Your idea and what you point out is so true!
I support this, +up
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Yes more please.
Can you please persist events. Do something like threads archived for events. Keep it in the events channel automatically - just have a clickable "Archived" section similar to the Inbox's "Unreads" and "Mentions" links.
Thank you!!1 -
I want to see past events and keep the links active, and see the "interested" people too.
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Maybe a bot can help with this...
Check this out https://atomcal.com/blog/the-calendar-layer-for-discord/
If you're already using RaidHelper/Sesh/Apoll here is a good comparison between all of them:
https://atomcal.com/blog/the-best-calendar-app-s-for-discord/Apollo comparision
https://atomcal.com/blog/atomcal-vs-apollo-bot-why-atomcal-is-the-clear-winner-for-streamlined-google-calendar-integration-on-discord/Sesh comparison
https://atomcal.com/blog/atomcal-vs-sesh-discord-bot-why-atomcal-is-the-clear-winner-for-streamlined-google-calendar-integration/Chronicle comparison
Raid comparision
https://atomcal.com/blog/raidhelper-vs-atomcal/0 -
all of this, yes, especially 3
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We also need to communicate about events.
To help us do this, you can let us link to an event.
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e1 -
I’d love recurring events. All-day events would be great, too. Let me just specify “August 15th” and show it to users that whole day in their local timezone.
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