Horrible new update
Since this new update (on phone) I've gotten at least 2 warning notification saying "discord is draining your battery rapidly" an hour. I've encountered bugs with playing videos (a video didn't play and when I clicked on it to make it full screen it turned the entire screen black apart from the area that was the video above which was just the thumbnail of that video)
I hate how videos pause when you scroll, just feels horrible.
The UI looks horrible in my opinion.
My suggestion to discord, revert back to before these bad changes.
I can not bring myself to read any of my channels. It is physically painful.
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This was caused by the switch over to React framework from android native libraries (which causes it to run slower).
There's no benefit for the end user to this new app. The reason they did it is because it's a lot more similar to the app for iOS (meaning they don't have to develop a whole separate app for iOS and android any more).
Saves them time, more time for us with lag.
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