Convert Text Channels to Forums



  • Mother Vain

    Okay it was 7 years but still, rounding up.  <3 

  • Cyan

    How would you picture the conversion happening? most servers have an archive category where they put channels that are no longer used instead of deleting them

  • Luin Aozora / Virtual YouTuber

    It would be a great feature if Text Channel and Forums could be converted to each other.

    Large communities have trouble with so many text channels now.
    In addition, you will want to convert the content that has been generated in the forum to a channel.

  • Mother Vain

    In response to Cyan's question, the idea would be to have a function in the right-click options Convert > Convert to Forum Post.   This would take all of the existing data and simply move it to a post instead of its original channel posting.

    We just have soooo many channels.   Forums are so much cleaner.  Instead of forcing servers to keep their old channels to avoid deleting anything, allow the data to transfer over.

  • Webmetz

    We have a suggestion channel that has been running since 2019. We want to retain the original channel conversations for history purposes, but don't want to have to make a brand new channel for the forum. Having two similarly named channels would cause major confusion.

    This is what I suggest for the feature button when it is activated.
    All the main channel stuff would go into a pinned "#<channel name> General" thread. Then all sub threads of the text channel could go into forum threads.

  • ldng

    Not holding my breath though, they're too busy breaking shit for no good reason … 

  • Andrew Bauer

    This would be great to have. My server has been growing a lot and having this feature would definitely reduce the amount of channels on the left panel. Its confusing to a lot of non-technical users having to navigate all the channels they choose to have access to. Most don't know you can collapse a category and my moderators and I would like to keep all the message history we have from a text channel.

    I don't necessarily think we should be able to convert a forum post into a text channel, but rather a text channel to a designated forum channel to then be a post. 


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