A new nitro tier for 4.99$


1 comentario

  • Rhase

    This. I'm not paying $10 a month for $0 worth of perks. 

    Until there is a reasonable price for, let's be completely honest, vanity options, I'm just not buying it. Even $5 a month is overpriced, for all reasons except higher quality streaming (that data does cost money) but it's a feature I frankly could care less about. It doesn't benefit me; I don't stream in discord. I don't know anyone who does. 

    When I do it's to show a friend something in a game currently happening. It doesn't need to be 4k. 1080p is perfect.

    I really think they'd get more money overall by people saying “Yeah $2.50/m is reasonable for dumb vanity stuff!”

    I make 6 figures, it's not a matter of affordability it's a matter of completely imbalanced value. Only a fool would hand over $10 a month for animated emoji. Or a professional streamer with a huge community. Not your everyday average discord user, of which there are millions more. 


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