Report Nelly .Terrible discord support


17 comentarios

  • 浜崎マバ

    Uhhh... I suggest to tell that on a Discord Support Ticket cause no one is really gonna do anything that can help you on the API section.

  • donovan_dmc

    Nelly is an alias for any number of staff members (it's one of their mascots), not one person FYI

    It's also the name they used when migrating from the old feedback forum to this new one, hence why so many suggestions are from Nelly


    As far as you complaining about being terminated.. You broke rules, Discord can terminate your account for any reason, you violating the ToS/ToU is most definitely a valid reason

    They can warn you if they're feeling nice, but they really don't need to

  • blackwolfwoof

    Discord impersonator

  • blackwolfwoof

    Well i can also fo that without calling myself discord and giving myself a discord pfp lol

  • blackwolfwoof

    Hah! Discord and good support. Funny joke.
    Tho i wish trust and safety had mote people and they wouldn't just reply 3x with a generic answer of how to block someone when i am reporting malware 🙄

  • Amy

    First of all what you're doing is still impersonation, regardless of your intentions. You're explicitly saying things like "our support team" implying that you're a discord employee, which is against the ToS.

    Second of all you are not helping by responding to feedback in discord style. If people want server list separators then let them suggest it. There's no need to be like "thank you for your suggestion however there are already server folders". As the name of the forum says, it's for people to provide their feedback, not for support-wannabes like you to turn down features ideas that you don't see fit.

  • cuper911

    I have 4 tickets, 3 of which are ignored for 11 days, 1 ticket ignored for 3 days, the answers are the same, in general, nothing like support is not seen, the situation is extremely disgusting, I would like to highlight this topic on YouTube, perhaps there will be more people affected by discord support and their bias 
    Ticket numbers #32979693. #32801684. #32801467. #32747579. #32747646. #32674600. #32643307. #32676133. 
    All ticks are answered by templates completely ignoring any of my arguments, there is no one else to contact


  • cuper911

    What a pleasure it is when you get thrown into ignore by an admin for 17 days, I just get a lot of emotions

  • cuper911

    Hello KUP!
    On the part of the technical support agents, you have received a response. Both from me and my colleague. Our T&S team handles cases on a priority basis and sometimes you have to wait. Also, creating a huge number of tickets does nothing to speed up the review process.

    I made the first breakthrough, there's no line anymore, they tell me about the priority, oh my God, I look like a person whose priority is "wait six months" ?????

  • cuper911

    I will keep this thread as a diary of the cringe I received from this dead support

    Let me remind you, I only get answers from the twink, from another account that is not in the blocking, the answer in less than an hour, that is, they want to lead us to the fact that if we get a block, unlock the account can be achieved in years?!

  • Justin Wayne elrod (Jrod)

    Discord very terrible in there service got banned again for no reason I was just talking to my friends and then randomly logged off my account (37676169) is my ticket number

  • 🏆・It's Anakumi

    Personne ne répond à mon tocket

  • 🏆・It's Anakumi

    Hello discord I opened three tickets but no one answered me unfortunately if no one answers me within 14 days my account will be deleted and I would not like this to happen produce Can I speak with an admin

  • Lucas

    Yeah, me too.

  • Lucas

    And hey, Discord. I'm also still waiting to get my account re-enabled because of the malfunctioning spam filters and Nelly also malfunctioning, causing the problem me and so many other users are suffering from. We already sent our appeals to the Support Team, and they have not been replied yet

  • Axey

    I've faced issues around discord support before, I've had no warning when it came to using a vpn on discord, and after offering literally everything I could offer, they decided to keep my account locked with phone verification. (apparently the person I was contacting wasn't able to revert the change, likely due to policy)
    Due to the contents of my main account, I can't use discord to connect with people in my highschool, defeating the point of what discord was originally for. 

    Not only that, but I've not been able to re-access the accounts due to needing a 2nd phone number just to have another account, with my original 2nd account likely being deleted in the future (along with the people from my past school), if it hasn't happened already due to the laws set by the EU.

  • IvanDistrict

    Nelly is a bot btw.


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