False Age Ban


14 comentarios

  • Buffy

    Hello Julia Iru,

    Please state your country so i can take a look at the minimum age, and please state what you have fulfilled in the ticket as i will check the requirements to fulfill also.


    Buffy Official - Discord A&SM Forum Assistant

  • Julia Iru

    Buffy Sure! Im from Poland and I’ve sent like 4/5 pictures of myself along with my nickname and my official government ID. I’ve also gave them my phone number and the email linked to my disabled account. 

  • Buffy

    Hey Julia Iru!

    I have checked and Poland Minimum Age Requirement is 13 and above, since you stated that you send your Gov ID i can confirm you're over the minimum age. And it looks like the requirements you said here is already fulfilled, all you can do right now is wait for support to reply back, they will take up to few weeks to months to reply back!


    Buffy Official - Discord A&SM Forum Assistant

  • Amy

    Buffy You checked wrong. The minimum age requirement in Poland is 16, as per this support article: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040724612-Why-is-Discord-asking-for-my-birthday-

  • Julia Iru

    Yeah, thank you. Tbh I’m stressed out they won’t reply and I’ll lose my account :/ How can I speed up their response time?

  • Buffy

    Hey Amy!

    Thanks for correcting my mistake, i would also like to apologize for the confusion i have caused 😅


    Buffy Official - Discord A&SM Forum Assistant

  • Buffy

    Hey Julia Iru,

    Currently the Support team is busy and may take a couple of weeks or even months for them to reply back!


    Buffy Official - Discord A&SM Forum Assistant

  • Julia Iru

    Yeah I know. I just dont want them to delete the account.

  • exelier

    Julia Iru and @Amy I just got same issue, Add me on discord  “000huracan000”, its my second account, only teamwork may help us in this moment

    or exelier) or


  • Navyashah7926

    hi i agree so much 2 nights ago i was talk to someone i friended in a sever and he asked me my age im 14 but i misclicked bcuz it was well night*to be exact 1-5am* so i couldnt see well so i wrote 12 i told that person 12 and i didnt realize until very later when he was giving me a lecture of text but never telling people ur real name and all and i was like but im in high school im turning 15 in novemer and he was like what u said that u were 12 and i was like i did i thought i put 14 not 12. my ticket number is 38748271 and support the please relpy up here is not a relpy place. and please repond i dont want to report the support for not doing any thing to support like it's in ur job name it's u work at customer service and u dont give them the answer they need.

  • exelier

    Navyashah7926 add me on dsc, only teamwork will help us all out of this situation, 

    My name: 000huracan000

    (or exelier) or


  • Navyashah7926

    ok but can not rn

  • Lovezickz0

    I've made many complaints and tickets yet still no response it's irritating 

  • Aminrapi2711

    my discord account undarage which is a false claim. discord support team pls don want my account get delete 

    My ticket number is 45013423/#45007533

    my discord usename:FISH#6618


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