Increase servers limit for nitro
I would gladly pay for Nitro Basic if you were increasing the limit of joined servers to 200 and after reaching that 200 limit i would consider paying for the full Nitro if you were increasing the limit to 500 servers.
With Discord being more and more popular, you have to join a server for each streamer youtuber you watch + when you join a guild in a game you have to join a discord + if you do crypto like me you have to join a server for each projet you want to keep update on. So reaching the free 100 servers limit is really not that hard and today i must be picky on which server i join. Ofcourse i could pay for the 10$ nitro but for what 200 servers limit ? Not worth it, i will end up stuck the same way but with more servers. With 500 servers limit i think it would be enough for a big user.
You can keep 200 servers limit for Nitro Basic which to me is not worth buying right now (appart for some useless perks like emotes… i'm not a kid anymore) , if it had 200 servers limit i would gladly pay for this 3$ subscription + it will be a foot in the door on me to start being a Nitro user and once i would reach that 200 servers limit i will be able to upgrade on the 10$ Nitro for an extra 300 servers.
Not gonna happen
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I'll stay a free user then… 10$ for 200 servers limit is not enough to buy it.
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I agree with you
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