Clans-guild Disappointment Driven Feedback
Again, as was with the Username rollout - a little upsetting there is lacking context about who is favored in the Exclusive Invitations.
Just unfair, and really We do not yet have explicit clarification if the Clan Tag's will be Unique to Claim or if the Tag is reusable by other Clan guilds.
If there was any actual Announcement then Dialogue & Discord (PUN INTENDED) could be opened forFeedback like this would be better met. I strongly suggest Clan Tags being reuseable __unless__ another Clan registered to the Same primary game already exists with the Tag claimed.
Out of Context siderant:
I've got one last drop of Faith in discord as a platform. The company part already ridden off into the sunset of fires in heaven.
I really want to stay here, but it's hard enjoying the ride anymore. Mr Bones kind just went to dust.
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