Restore the Messages tab
The latest update has removed the Messages tab and merged it with the servers list, putting it in the top left of the list. This restores the original layout, with no option to keep the *vastly* improved UX of the messages tab.
Putting messages in the top left places it in the most uncomfortable location on the screen for right-handed phone users. It also requires scrolling up to the top of what can be a very extensive server list, and abandoning your view of the server you're currently looking at. For users with a high number of servers, this adds a substantial delay to switching from servers to DMs. It also adds the risk of losing one's place - not remembering which server you were just in, needing to find it in the list again, etc.
The messages tab solved all of these problems and made the mobile app massively easier to use. I understand that some users prefer for the mobile app to have the same layout as desktop, but it is beyond belief that such an enormous improvement to the mobile app's UX has been reverted with no option to keep it. I am quite sure that other users will echo my frustrations here.
The messages tab easily saved me several minutes of time every day, and significantly reduced the mental load of using Discord on mobile. If this feature is not restored promptly, I can only assume that Discord does not value its users' time, in which case I will have no choice but to cancel my Nitro subscription.
I agree with you completely. This shows such a complete lack of understanding of mobile users, and a lack of caring what is actually usable. Not even giving the option to keep it as it was is beyond belief. I don't usually care about mobile app changes that much, usually changes just take some getting used to, but Discord DMs make up a significant portion of my phone usage and this makes it so painful to use and not in a “this will get better” way. This is just incomprehensibly bad.
15 -
This is particularly annoying as a moderator, having to hop between a DM and a server that is towards the bottom of a list of dozens of servers is very annoying.
Platform consistency is a big deal. I get it. I'm sure there a lot of very angry people complaining about things being moved. Heck, I'm technically one of them right now. Making everyone happy is a very difficult thing to do… But it seems like this one would be an extremely easy setting to add, while you're adding the swipe-to-reply option, per your blog post.
Or even just have it in both places. It's not like you can't have two buttons that lead to the same screen.
Discord is a great platform, so I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. This one just happens to personally hurt my productivity more than most changes.
14 -
It's an aggravating accessibility issue for me now - the message panel is too small to read on anything but the largest screens. Desperately hoping they revert it or make it a toggleable setting.
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I agree so hard. Cannot express how jarring and unpleasant this has been.
Idk about the rest of you, but I also had to bump up the text size -- I don't even have any vision issues whatsoever. The overall UI just feels far more cramped and cluttered than before.
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It makes no sense to test this feature extensively, roll it out, then a few months later roll it back. The whole point of testing over a prolonged period is to ensure it's a good idea. The fact it's being changed back now after so long raises big questions.
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Please bring back the "messages" tab or at least allow users to toggle the design layout they prefer. This is beyond frustrating and I've deleted the app.
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I am joining in on this thread as well. I hope they see this and the other posts. This design sucks.
5 -
Please need the messages tab back
2 -
Discord please give your users the autonomy to customize the bottom bar. Everyone has individual needs so this way users has the option to optimize their experience.
3 -
Please bring it back
0 -
Pretty please give us our messages tab back
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