Discord support incompetency highlighted, help and support more like bot replies
Help & Support is slow to respond or not responding at all. My old account got PERMENANTLY SUSPENDED for a reason i wasn't aware/ even did, tried to appeal the possible chance of getting it back, but strangely all messages were simply ignored, and the ones that weren't luckily ignored was answered by clyde bot, strange how a multi billion dollar company cant afford to hire competent support workers, yes i know that you got lots of tickets to look over, but waiting for over 2 weeks for a single response and all i get is bot messages and “marked as solved”, this just shows how lazy and careless support is, falsely permenant suspended members should at least have a chance in appealing, i guess not since all support is quite imcompetent, and its insane how i've spent over £500 + on this app, yes im not asking for special treatement, all im asking is if any of the support could actually maybe… reply with a human? this is unfair lol discord really gotta step up their support game, lmk if anyone has this same issue too, i think maybe that the people who manage support team really gotta hear bout this
Should someone make a server or smth highlighting how ass support is? im down
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