Emoji on Role name


35 comentarios

  • Zacatero
    I like this idea. I know it would definitely be used.
  • Livalia



    Je connais une méthode moins simple et moins pratique pour faire ça.

    J'aime mieux ton idée.

    Je vote pour.

    Bien à toi.


  • woeterman_94

    I like this idea. Any updates?

  • Zommbie

    Please upvote this so Discord can see this!

  • Grkm
    Good idea, should be added
  • mason!
    Not needed.
  • Loukes

    Yess pleasee

  • Garme

    It is so annoying not being able to use custom made emojis in roles

  • ChrisJeanSpears

    Just found this now, but I think this should definitely be added! And then if you're gonna @ that role, then you could just write the :customemoji: name after the @ and it would show up! I think it would be so cool to have roles that were only custom emojis or names with custom emojis, although being able to copy already existing emojis into roles names is nice too!

  • TummyNumNer

    Please do this, Discord T_T

  • Foxxy

    I am completely for this idea, it would add an entire plethora of customization and atmosphere to a server.
    On esports servers:
    Assign teams to people on roles with an emoji.

    On roleplay servers:
    Select factions and visually see a faction symbol on a member’s name.

    On official servers:
    Have icons for Employees, Admins, Moderators.

    General purpose too. With a role having the same color as another, you can keep the same role name and color but add an extra emoji to it to create a recognition/process system to your members. I see all good.

  • kix2222

    Very creative idea! I love it.

  • CharlieCat

    A custom emoji from server will be better


  • TitanElectrons

    This is a great feature. It adds more customizability to servers. Discord needs to implement this.

  • Laski Tarl

    I agree, I hope they add it, but they are taking so long!

  • bestofficeschair

    I Am Totaly Agree With You I Hope They Will Add It As Soon as Possible So I Can I Also Add This On My Blog

  • kitsune

    This is much needed.

  • 𝔊host Rider

    This would be awesome

  • Ghost


  • digimbyte

    Nelly Updates?

  • ⋆。˚cypress • ☽

    yea bc currently you can only use your system emojis

  • Soctavia

    I would love this. The roles in my server are fictional military "ranks" so I would love to put their respective rank insignia in the role name. 

  • QwUaRtZzZ

    Maybe give custom emojis to roles

  • Mr. Ducks

    Agree, its really good idea.

  • 7k.

    I've been thinking about this feature for a while and finally looked up if it will ever be a thing. My server would look very cool with this implemented! Please add this! <3

  • kix2222

    So this just got added. You can now upload custom role icons to a role. This icon can either be one that you upload, or you can choose an emoji from your server. It will show up in chat next to the user name and as a prefix for the role in the member list.

    But guess what. This is only a Boost Level 2 feature. Why.

  • didico

    So, if I have boost level 2 feature, how do I manage to enable it in my server?

  • kix2222

    I don't know if it has been released officially to all servers. But you will find the option to 'Choose Image' as a role icon in 'Server Settings' > 'Roles' > Edit a specific role > in the 'Display' tab under 'Role Icon'.

  • Operator Pepe Yàgà

    Kix can u help me my discord is Operator Pepe Yàgà#3098

  • shqipee

    Is the update available to everyone? I got a notif about it on discord but no access to it, it wont show up lol. 


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