Give the new Search feature permissions
When users are "promoted"/invited, they should only have access to chat that transpired after they arrived. It should be a channel level permission, similar to "Read Message History", but designed for the use case described in the first link.
This isn't a new request, it's been asked multiple times across different platforms. It really should have been implemented already.
The following seem to be archived/disabled:
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I would like this feature as well. There are multiple requests so please implement it.
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I would really like to see this feature! I'm using discord to host a sex-positivity chat group on my campus; many of the messages are personal in nature. The inability to restrict message history access in this way is a major obstacle to us growing the group and promoting current discussion. Currently, when members are deciding what they're comfortable they must do so not only in relation to the current set of other members whom they are comfortable with, but also with respect to the fact that there will be future members who they don't know yet!
We really want to grow our group on Discord, but this is holding us back. :(
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What discord truly needs is what Skype has. Like a "As far as you can see, this channel only begins when you got access to it." 1 -
The channel overrides do not cover the limitations on "Read Message History". Every time someone with that setting reloads Discord, all history in that channel will be wiped, even conversations they were a part of.
I have this same issue with my Discord server in promoting people to a new rank. There needs to be a setting that blocks a user from seeing messages from a channel before he joined it, but everything afterwards.1 -
I would also like this feature. I thought the permission to view chat history meant chat history before join date but as I turned that off for everyone my community complained that they couldn't see recent messages. Please implement this feature.
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You can use Channel Overrides to achieve this. It's possible to use them at Role and User level on both Channels and entire Categories. 0 -
This absolutely needs to be a thing
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I dunno why this hasn't been done yet, seems people have been asking for this for years and I can't even upvote those feedback requests because the links take me to the main screen.
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I REALLY would like to see this implemented. I run multiple game related servers, where it’s important that people not be able to see information from before they joined and yet there is seemingly no way to control that. This feature should be added ASAP.
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Please add this. I run gaming servers which have ranked promotions and I’m having to create and delete channels every time we discuss promotions, which is exceptionally frustrating (particularly as I have to download text of these discussions for archive purposes, since I can’t simply block new users from viewing them).
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This feature would be very beneficial as we don't want new members to read a lot of personal stuff, but also don't want to have to delete entire channels
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this should have been in from the beginning, please for gods sake add it already, why can a nobody join the server, search for "offensive things", take them out of context and then threaten reports with this "evidence"
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THIS. So much this. I have actually had the leadership on my server ask me to create a new each and every time a new person is promoted to leadership. This would solve so many problems. Discord developers, are you listening?
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If you are concerned with messages that you do not want leaked, you can delete those messages, instead of having this "new permission". -2
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