Generate an invite link to add a user to a role.


137 comentarios

  • phantompouet

    I really like this idea, I made a mock up : 

  • An Experience

    I would want this as a discord server owner, but also on "never expiring invites" in case you wanna cater to certain groups, with the luxury of tracking how many users use the invite.

    (ex: league players who use the invite will get the "league" role, etc.)

    Bots already doing this (like mee6 or tatsumaki) is great, but they can't distinguish who joins, and generally add a single role or many, to any individual who joins, whereas having this implied feature linked to invites simplifies the process by allowing the use of specific invites for certain groups of people. It's overall easier on the users/discord server owners to have this tool be this intuitive since most people would rather it be done in one click, rather than set up custom commands or get a bot to somehow do this ; after they join, give them the role manually.

  • DH 🐉

    Tatsumaki will apply the same role regardless of invite used so no, Tatsumaki can not do this specifically.

  • CharmiiVTesting

    To all the people saying "bots can do auto role" or something to that effect, you don't get the OP's concept. The goal is not simply to auto-assign a single role to every new member. The goal is for the unique invites to assign a role based on which invite code was used. Read the post and try to understand before you make assumptions that the OP hasn't done research.

    This would be an excellent feature. People joining from twitch would get the "Twitch Follower" role, and people joining from a YouTube link would automatically get the "YouTube Follower" role. A brilliant idea.

  • Wayland

    Please devs, make this happen.

  • J3st3r

    Im happy for all the advice on how to work around this lack of feature, however the point of requesting a feature (in the feedback section) is the hopes the dev team can add it in to the base application.

    From my perspective, bots are best used for niche things that the devs dont feel the need to provide or to allow customization which would otherwise be impossible to facilitate within the base application, not for things that a lot of people would like implemented for QoL reasons which would make the overall application better. You see the devs put notes in when patches are applied literally stating "due to community request", its obvious they listen when they can.

    I dont see why people would actively try to shut down conversation on a request for a feature that obviously ticks the right boxes for a certain amount of people. 

  • An Experience

    @Phantom that's absolutely perfect, I hope this example gets seen faster, it's exactly what most people who manage huge servers would personally want, as long as it isn't exclusive to Twitch Subs or some other weird integration. This should be for ANY role on the server, for any type of invite.

  • DrewTheGeek

    I've tried using BOTS. Each one has it's own command set and way of doing things. Not only would the average user need to know that bots exist, but they would need to install and configure one and then the "invite" would still just be an invite that really isn't track-able or use-able other than in the broadest sense.  I would like to note that it seems that many of these bots are trying to solve one simple issue: A way to have multiple discord servers without having multiple discord servers.

    So, I could create a discord server for my Star Wars group and another one for my Ingress group. Then I could manage each fairly easily and the default role would be fine as having two different servers would provide the same role separation. I don't know how resources are allocated on the Discord main servers but it seems to me that more instances of full Discord servers requires more resources. So adding tools directly into Discord to allow server owners more flexibility in how they manage their own servers, would, at least in my mind, decrease the need to create extra Discord Servers and reduce resources. Then I could have Two channels instead of two servers.

    Bots also depend on other servers and other programmers to maintain and keep functional instead of Discord's own intelligent and competent staff. This means that any time Discord updates or changes code, there's always a chance a bot will break and no guarantee that the bot code will/can be fixed.

    If there is more native flexibility in how invites are created and what properties are attached to those invites, it can help Discord server owners better maintain and manage a single server without the need to create more than one or delve into the murky world of Discord bots.

    Ultimately I feel a much better long term solution would be to develop a plugin system for Discord where you can add functionality to your own server through Discord provided plugins instead of bots. I feel this would allow the Discord developers more flexibility on creating new options and fixing current bugs, while also allowing more flexibility and choice for Discord server owners.

    While bots are great for adding games, greeting people, streaming music, and even some things not appropriate for polite company, I'm not sure that automation of Discord server functions (auto choosing a role)  should be one of them.


  • ImRock

    That does not give roles if they use specific links that is a general auto role thing.

  • Wolf

    Good stuff 👍

  • Sztaszov (Vagrus - SRPG)

    Agree. We need this!

    @people who say mee6 can do this. - mee6 can only grant EVERYONE with the SAME role. The use-case here to grant different roles based on different invite links. I.e.: sharing a link to one particular channel grants automatically one role, while a link to another channel adds a different role to the new member. 

  • Sebastian Nielsen

    @mistr88 No. The problem is that the bot cannot easily know which invite link a user "comes from". Yes, there is ugly solutions as like looking on invite link counts and such, but such solutions can be dangerous, especially when using them to assign moderator/admin roles.

    The second problem is if a user is already member, but gained another invite link, that would grant them a "second role". One example could be a gaming community for multiple games, where a role @Minecraft would gain them access to Minecraft-related channels, and @CSGO would gain them access to CS:GO related channels. In their minecraft server, they then have a minecraft related invite link, and in CS:GO server a CS:GO-related invite link. If a user is member of both servers, it could be a good thing if the user, after already joined @Minecraft role, could just visit the link for the @CS:GO role, and then instead of showing "Already connected" it will show a button "Give me the role" and clicking this, will then turn it into a "Already connected" button and give the role.

  • Wayland

    Delight That is an awesome guide on how to get a discord.js bot up and running, but that does not solve the issue of "people joining with a specific invite should be automatically added to a role" your solution just adds everyone who joins the guild to a role, and that is no bueno.

    For example what if I had a role to denote users who are from a forum which I want to invite to my guild. Currently I would have to just use any invite and they would need to ask to be added the role after some sort of manual verification on my part.

    If we could somehow access data about what invite they used to join on guildMemberAdd it would be as easy as checking "is this invite they used the one that should get the special role?" and if so assign the role and if not don't. The only info available is how many times an invite has been used.

  • MasterReY

    Its funny how many people in this thread do not realize that a auto-assignment of DIFFERENT ROLES for DIFFERENT USERS (depending on the invite link) is needed.

    Yes, bots can auto assign roles.
    Yes, everyone can write his own bot and auto-assign roles.

    However whats currently NOT possible is this:
    I have one server for my streaming community and also my friends.
    I want everyone joining from the link on my stream to get the "streaming community role" auto assigned.
    I want everyone joining from the link of my friends to get the "friends" role auto assigned.
    The link itself is not important. I just can't think of another criteria to differentiate between two kinds of users.

    Please tell me I'm wrong and there is a way to do this :)

  • nathanmaingard

    How is this not a thing yet? It seems so simple and it would make a huge difference to being able to filter members based on role! I do hope they implement it asap. At the moment I'm running a workshop and I want to give attendees a unique invite link which would enable them to join a specific private channel...


  • Lehman

    I'd like to run multiple classes from the same server. To reduce confusion, I need to limit channels to certain classes. This I do with roles. However, I cannot assign a role with an invite link. I have to invite the student, then I have to go in and change their role. This is a non-starter when I am trying to run multiple classes out of the same server, and I have more than 100 students in each class. If Discord is looking to broaden their market, this is pretty important. The way it stands I have to have a different server for each class/section.

  • Spankey

    This thread exists 3 years already, how is it that discord staff still didn’t make this happen, invite link with auto role assignment per link, people obviously want this and the bots are wonky at best…

  • D A K U M A

    Allow the admins of the server to define which roles are allowed to award roles to other members.

    When a member is creating the link, display all the roles that the user is allowed to give in checkbox format.

    Also allow the admins to define a default role that applies to all links and is not uncheckable by the creator of the link, for example a member role (if the server wants everyone to have the member role at all times)

  • mikeu

    Any updates on this?

  • Silverhawk

    I'd say the harm in using bots is that you have to know how to configure them, or that it's even an option. The average user would have to look up guides just to get started, it would be much easier if there was simply a drop-down box that you could select which role was given to everyone upon joining the server.

  • JoshuaLovesCode

    Please add this!!! It's a awesome idea!

  • Torbjörn

    Kinda like privilege keys with TeamSpeak, I like it. The one caveat with this would be that if you don’t generate a unique invite and the invite gets out everyone would be able to claim the role.
    Side note: This is kinda possible with a bot that tracks invite uses and when it increases when a user joins. It might not work in practice though since there could be a lot of people joining and the bot might not be able to keep track. (Suppose two people join at the same time — two invites would increase... who joined with what invite?) Another option would be sending a bot a unique code to redeem a role. My final solution would be a login with Discord via OAuth and assign roles that way.

    TLDR; is possible but not as easy for the end user.

  • Rpm103

    I want to be able to create a permanent link with a role attached to it. I have a game platform where people join my discord through the game, and there is no reason for them to go into the pool of generic users when they are obviously there for a certain reason. Considering I can't always be active to reroute their roles, this would be great for me.

    I see it can be done by bots and I will look into that for now, but I think it would be nice to have native.

  • Wip3ou7

    Yes please! I also have a Discord link integrated into my game and I want people who join our Discord server through the game's UI to have a certain role automatically assigned to them. Make it happen, please!

  • Yodamoo

    For quite some time i have been using a Bot called Invite-Role Bot.  It has been working perfectly with the link I put in my Free Company window in Final Fantasy 14.  It gave every member the Rank I wanted them to have but not people who joined with other links.  Well suddenly Yesterday it stopped working for some reason.


    Mee6 and Tatsumaki and Dyno do Not do this!  They can only give everyone who joins, the same rank. 


    Need Invite-Role Bot to start working again or need a new bot that can do it...or Discord to just integrate it as is should be anyhow lol


    Edit: ImRock, has a good point..but It's kinda invalidated by the fact that I just gave a perfect example of the problem which would be fixed by Discord doing it themselves...there are no bots currently doing this now that Role Bot has stopped working and so the whole "Reinventing the wheel" analogy goes out the window.

  • DragonFeathers

    This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for and need. Please make this a thing. I don't need bots that automatically provide the same role to everyone - I need roles assigned specifically based on the invite code used. 

  • ModerateWinGuy

    This really should just be a default feature. If only they would add this.

  • omeganot

    Man, this is such a needed feature, especially as servers get spun up not only for gaming communities, but other communities in both business, hobby, and professional settings.  For example, I teach a variety of courses both online and in-person (when not on pandemic lockdown), generally around a similar theme.  I could have a default role which is for the main theme, but then separate roles for each specific course type, and then further roles to create groups for individual courses so that I could automatically give attendees of the course access to channels only for their specific course instance as well as interactions with attendees from any course of that type.

  • MikeyRB

    The fact that this has been debated for over two years without a solid solution is all the convincing anybody should need. I came on specifically to find out how to do this and found this thread. I can *probably* do what I want by adding another bot but that does seem like a silly way to perform a simple task.

  • nathanmaingard

    Pleeeeease, Discord Devs, add this feature. It would simplify so much, and it seems like a no-brainer. 

    Like right now I just want a super simple way to automate inviting people who contribute to my virtual tip jar to a specific role. It should be the most basic thing ever right!?

    Anyways, just re-adding my plea here. Please do this for us 🙏


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