Separate 'Manage Messages' into 'Pin Messages' and 'Delete Messages'


105 comentarios

  • Cognito

    I've been supporting discord since early beta. I bought nitro classic for a year. I cancelled it and probably won't ever renew it. So many basic features the devs refuse to add in favor of pointless flair and ways to make money. Still haven't added a way to make the desktop app more compact like the mobile version so it's not taking up 1/3 your screen. Highly inconvenient to try and upgrade nitro classic so you're actually making yourself miss out on nitro deals. And then this feature.

    But then they frown upon third-party means of adding in these features. Devs who shift from basic functionality don't get my monetary support.

  • Glacialis

    Please add this.

  • PortlyAssassin

    +1 Please add this separation please.

  • Giblets

    It is absolutely ludicrous that the delete and pin message permission are under the same user right. Granular user rights should be core functionality.

  • cade

    This is still an issue, and it's really frustrating to a lot of server mods/admins. These really should be two separate permissions.

  • FdB

    We do have a server with this use case! It adds an unnecessary load on server admins

  • capsulejx

    I've had people in a server who should be able to pin messages abuse their permission to delete messages as well. It would be really great if these they were separated.

  • GeneticBlueprint

    Another voice in the chorus here. This absolutely needs to be a thing. Like, yesterday.

  • Ghalban

    Omg PLEASE implement this. The server for my university could use the graduates being able to pin important messages instead of needing to ask mods every single time. 

  • Vaelek

    After this long with zero response from the company, it ain't gonna happen.. This is likely some feature they want to roll up into a business plan of some kind but just can't quite figure out how to do it. These chat platforms are not anything special. You people aren't worth the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars you seem to think you are. This is an overglorified IRC server. Better things have been given away for free and with more care and customer feedback put into them. I like Discord over Slack and Teams for sure.. But there's not much win in having to choose the least smelly pile of crap.

  • Sophia | AmpUpRadio

    I can't believe I've been following this thread for 2 years now. When will this change? I'm still surprised that deleting and pinning (two completely different things) are still part of the same button.

  • sambailor

    I also could really use this functionality now that I am hosting a large discord for my upper-level classmates. They should have the ability to pin messages to the channels they use for their classes (especially since I don't use every channels) without having the permission to delete messages

  • dnegrin


    This is very necessary, Pin Messages and Delete Messages are two wildly different levels of power.

    Thank you for all the hard work Discord.

  • John.

    Please add this.
    Me and my friends have a #study channel for school-related things where we sometimes need to pin.
    We don't necessarily want the option to silence each other's messages.

  • Albrod

    Remember to up vote the first message so discord take this in consideration, this feature will give us more control and prevent errors and fights between members and mods to start a war in the server

  • Bron 🇦🇺 [bronfoth]

    Good advice for this important thread in the comment above - to repeat - ENSURE YOU UPVOTE the first comment. Is there any other way to get this issue elevated in urgency?

    In my opinion, it is likely these permissions were lumped together in an effort keep the 'permission option menu' to a manageable size.
    For me this a safety issue for my members. Discord needs to be assisting server owners to prioritise the safety of their members - and this includes allowing the allocation of permissions that are appropriate to each member.
    In my mind, each permission should be separate. If desired, categories could be formed to assist new server owners, but these particular two permissions should not be together automatically in such a category.
    Pinning is a helpful task and cannot be destructive to the server.
    Deleting can totally destroy a server.

  • LightCastle

    That they are linked at all is such a fundamentally bizarre choice.
    As others have said though, if after two years they haven't bothered to fix it, they clearly don't have any interest in doing so. Still, I voted up the first comment to hope for the best.

  • akayoshi1

    Definitely do this.

  • Julio.

    I think we need this


  • Ryokishine

    I believe this is the initial thread for this suggestion and it has overwhelming support.

    Has been 2 years :) This should be addressed. Discord does regular patches and this is not that hard to fix.

    Earlier in the thread someone said this doesn't affect every user because it's something done on the moderation end, but it does because the permissions to pin and delete not being separated is preventing many of us from granting the permission to pin messages by default to anyone.

    This isn't that hard...

  • ASghostKI

    Seriously 2 years now and still no updates from Discord

  • Perrydotto

    This has been longtime overdue. Please implement this. I have users who love using pins for their own organizational purposes but I don't want them all to give the sweeping permission to delete messages too, it's a huge mismatch of permission power and should not be rolled together.

  • Morvas

    Please separate these permissions.

  • Ricardo Fonseca


    It makes no sense to be the same permission for two complete different features.

  • SimpleClips

    It has been three years, and it is still not possible to give permission to another user for pinning messages.

    Should we make a bot for this instead? I don't know if anyone has seen any response from Discord on this issue yet or not.

  • AmazedPIKACHU

    I upvoted

  • shane-deveire

    What an oversight bundling deleting other peoples messages and pinning messages was - what kind of spaghetti code is in there god only knows...


    Please dig through and split these

  • Sky🤘🏼

    Im not sure why these privileges have still not been split up.  Perhaps you dont want to compete directly with slack and the ilk, but in a way you already are and this would make it that much better for enterprise users

  • Sky🤘🏼

    Im not sure why these privileges have still not been split up.  Perhaps you dont want to compete directly with slack and the ilk, but in a way you already are and this would make it that much better for enterprise users. Please devote the cycles needed to make this feature

  • TheNitesWhoSay

    Would be great to have these split, we make frequent use of pins to track important game things (e.g. server info, base coordinates, portals) which move fairly quickly; non-moderators could make good use of pins. Consider a little nuance here: the permission to pin should not necessarily being a permission to delete pins (except those which that same user created), that power could remain in "manage messages", or be separated out as well. Even without the nuance any degree of separation would be valuable here.


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