'Game Activity'


87 comentarios

  • xTrolu ❤

    About which appears first, it could first be a game with Rich Presence, next a verified game, then Spotify and then custom status.

  • Brady

    I fully agree with this suggestion.

    It is also very annoying that there is no prioritization for showing games.

  • DiabolicallyRandom

    Yes, they need a way to block EXE's from even being looked at.

    I submitted a bug report on Synergy myself today, but they definitely should just have a way to block certain exe's.


    I want it to show when im playing destiny so my friends know they can join me, but i don't want it to show me playing a game while im at work using synergy.



  • keng15

    Can there be an update to where we can change our Game activity on mobile? Thanks.

  • hiuwo

    its so stupid. Devs, please fix.

  • NorthernTempest

    Having the same problems! I wish there was a fix for this! Glasswire (a background app that alerts you about dangerous network activity) is registering as a game, and that means I'm "playing" glasswire 24/7! Now my friends will never know what I'm actually up to because I've had to turn the whole game activity status off!

  • Aeon1704

    Even if i am not using alot of background apps... Still i have list of games. There are few that i don't really need to share. Like Arcade Mame Emulator. Not necessary to show it.

    But games like Starcraft, Guild Wars 2. I don't mind to show them in status.

  • Supersniper98™

    For me, there are some old games which Discord doesn't detect by default and I want them to be shown, so I added their .exe manually in Game Activity... However,  even though after restarting Discord I saw that their .exe is stored in Game Activity (with a text for example saying "Last played 1 hour ago"), Discord just doesn't show them (and doesn't update the "Last played 1 hour ago" text) despite me starting the game again. Then, there was a game which I added manually and even in the beginning it didn't show up. Both of these issues occured after the new "Game Library" addition, so I think that they are linked to it (before, these old games were showing as a status message every time, regardless of restarting Discord or no).

    (Also i checked every time, "Display currently running game as a status message" was on)

  • penguinairlines


    I'm having the exact same problem with Synergy.  I'm looking everywhere to find a solution and no valid recommendations on forums, twitter, FAQ, etc. 

    I have gone to my settings > Game Activity and found "Synergy" under "ADDED GAMES", used the x to remove it, but it still says that I am playing Synergy, even after a restart of my PC.  My game activity currently says "No game detected" but still my status in servers says I am playing Synergy.  Definitely some kind of continuity error here.

    After this, I have tried launching a different game, verified that the server showed I was playing the new game, closed the game, and it still reverts to showing Synergy.  

    Please, we really need some way to remove automatically detected executables from this game detection feature.  For now I just have to turn it off, defeating the point of this direction that discord is trying to move into.

  • ZambiblasianOgre

    I also often simultaneously game and listen to Spotify, this would be a nice feature.

  • Sixie™

    tbh I would be happy if the Devs add a way to Exclude Games from being shown "Playing" I know Discord auto detects all the EXE on its list that it thinks are games, thats fine and all, But I would like a function where you can exclude or disable specific games/exe from being show that your playing or open.


    as in, I would like to get seen im playing say... Counter Strike, but I dont want being seen playing EVE Online...  

  • ekko

    I'm having the exact same problem. Right now the only fix I found is to rename synergy.exe to something else but that causes problems when its time to update so then I need to change the name back. 

  • JDB

    I wanted to suggest something similar. I turned "Display currently running game as a status message." off because it would display every game that I ran. I only wanted to display some games. Maybe the Discord devs could implement a way for users to allow only certain games to be displayed when ran - like a whitelist?

  • Noppes

    Same issue with Synergy. I could also understand that people might not want to shout out certain games they play to the world. So it would be a useful feature in general

  • ΠσyχAtomik

    Solved!  Well, at least for Spotify.
    I just figured out that you need to DISABLE "Display currently running game as a status message"

    Then go to Connections, add your Spotify account (if you haven't already), then enable "Display Spotify as your status".

    It seems that even though Spotify is listed under Game Activity, Discord doesn't treat it the same as other games/apps.

  • Grady Vuckovic


    Come on devs where are you? I basically have Game Activity disabled permanently entirely because of this. I would *like* to enable it, but I won't when Discord adds basically every single bloody application I use to the list of activity. I don't need Discord to share 'Playing Firefox' or 'Playing Wine' or 'Playing Photoshop'. Just give me the option to disable the automatic detection and I will happily add the handful of games or applications that I actually want my friends to see if I'm playing/using or not.

    Come on people have been begging for this for years, it can't be that hard. Simple checkbox:

    "Disable Automatic Detection: [ x ]"

    That's literally all we need.

  • Lifell

    I totally agree. This concerns me though:

    "Even if 'Display current running game...' is disabled, Discord still scans all exe files for something that Discord thinks is 'Game Activity'. Many apps, not even a games, are registered by Discord as Games."

    That part might be great for them. If that info is send to their servers they would have a list of what games are installed for people and what they play. It has been years and stuff is getting added constantly. But not this. There was 1 other feedback thread here that had 500+ upvotes.

    If you make a "appear what you're playing" feature it's very obvious that you get this added from the start. It's really, really a thing that should be already there when you introduce this feature.

  • Aeon1704

    I must say... i really disappointed in Discord Developer Team. Apparently they are merging my thread with much more better explanation about what we want, with this thread, that explains nothing, therefore closing one with better explanation, suggestions, higher upvote count and older creation date.

    I am starting to feel that you deliberately trying to avoid discussion about this for unknown reason. This is copy of my post, it was closed and deleted.
    We've been asking about this for ages. Can you atleast give us straight answer Why we don't ( can't ) have it?

  • Kryptonic

    I have the same problem with Synergy showing up. I submitted a bug report a while back, still no change.

  • hiuwo

    Honestly Devs if you want to say the exe/ game is "verified" please check md5 of the exe at least. Just checking the name is lazy..

  • Smidgens

    This is a second attempt at a comment. My last one got thrown into "pending approval" before being deleted. In which I criticized Discord, and compare it to spyware due to its scanning behaviour. It was a pretty fair observation considering you can't turn it off, and Discord seemingly allows itself the freedom to scan arbitrarily. Until Discord adds an option to disable said behaviour, I recommend to anyone using it: install it in a sandbox, use the web app, or don't use it at all if you can.

    To the reviewing moderators, if this comment won't see the light of day either: if you deem what I'm saying as having cause for removal, you're ignoring the dragon growing in your living room. You can't ignore this being an issue to people. If you delete complaints here, they'll just resurface and sprout discussions in other places like Reddit.

  • Lifell

    I agree with "Aeon1704" and "Smidgens". It's as a feature already annoying that it lacks the most basic options. But also the fact that it scans everything and information like what we play and our playtime is stored on your servers (without any option to turn it off) is something that is insane. Nobody of my friends play Warframe on Discord. But it is shown on the Warframe store page on Discord that a shitton of people play it. I know they do and it seem Discord knows as well.

    I have no idea what more is being scanned and we can't know. It might be exaggerating to say that Discord is turning into Facebook for gamers. Privacy hoarding. If I see "login with Discord" in a year or so I won't be surprised. For anyone unaware, even if you don't have a facebook account you will still be monitored by facebook. One of the things is the "login with facebook" on quite a lot of websites. Even if you don't use that option, you're still being logged.

    A lot of people seem to choose to not care but it needs to stop before Discord turns into something horrible. It's mostly good now, although it can of course be a lot better with some work.

    But as "Smidgens" says, it scans your system without an option to turn it off and hoards info from people their systems. That's NOT acceptable.

  • Phuzzylogic

    What feature I would love is for server owners to be able to disable this feature. People who run private servers don't want players to be able to advertise other servers or games on their discord. 

    Therefore if the option could be made for server owners to disable the display of what game people are playing server wide would be a very beneficial option I feel.



  • Smidgens

    Just to expand a bit on my comment in lieu of Lifell's which I strongly agree with it, and which is more thoroughly directed at the problem than mine. I did go into similar detail about my complaints in the original comment that got deleted which I regret not having repeated in the second.

    I am pretty flabbergasted that people aren't making a bigger deal of this than they are. Discord actively monitors your executables, but the larger concern for people now seems to be its inaccuracy in identifying them as games. As if to say "make it better at identifying games" instead of "stop scanning my programs".
    The support team even went so far as to close a thread that was opened to criticize this directly, and they claimed it was the same issue that the current thread was opened with, which is far removed from the other thread in direction. This one began by basically asking for an option to tweak what to show publicly to other users, while the poster of the thread that got closed was criticizing the monitoring in general. And they merge the threads claiming they're the same issue, and opt to keep the one that's more innocuous towards them? That doesn't sit right.

    Discord is free, so screaming about the removal of what presumably weighs into their revenue model might be a bit entitled on the part of us users, but this seems like a line crossed. I can live with ads being pushed in front of me. I don't like them, but I'm not paying for the service so it's a price I have to suck up (or pay premium). I don't have to buy into them (assuming they're reasonably placed) and presumably the ad partner gets paid either way. But to scan people's computer usage is like having the aforementioned figurative salesman that normally comes at you on the streets instead show up at your door, let himself in and tell you "oh, don't worry,  I don't need to sell you anything, I just like being in here, just do whatever you usually do" while he wanders the house at will. A bit of a wonky metaphor, but it's the overstepping of boundaries that's the point here.

    We don't know what Discord is logging. We don't even know what exactly it tracks with respect to games, which it claims to be the only thing of interest.

    They could be harvesting data about non-game related applications to get a better sense of what types of users are using Discord and how much they do, and this seems plausible for marketing reasons. I hadn't really thought they might become so bold to ever admit to something like that if they are doing it, but now I wonder if it isn't inevitable, and that if they aren't doing it, they will, and then proudly announce that it's a step towards "improving the user experience". The same form of self excusing statement we've seen Microsoft use to explain the extreme telemetry "features" in Windows. And that's a paid service to boot, making it even worse. It used to be that when companies went this far, they had to spend years pleading for users to trust them again. Nowadays, they announce it confidently and proudly, and people not only don't hold them accountable, they at times encourage the behaviour. This state of things isn't good.

  • Phuzzylogic

    I believe the reason they are so guarded about this is 3 fold.


    1. It violates privacy laws and they don't want people to bring this out into the light. Probably the reason posts get deleted.
    2. They might be violating terms with regard to the Operating system platforms they are installed on. I.E Microsoft Windows, Mac OS etc..
    3. It's all about their Intellectual property and they don't want other companies monetizing off of it.

    Since they are scanning exe's I am willing to bet they are violating privacy laws and trying to protect that knowledge, and to that point it is a matter of time before Developers start running scans of their own to see what the application is data mining.

    To take a point from Smigens,

    This isn't a good thing Discord, you cannot silence your users.. It will be your downfall. There are many new services coming out and that are already out that your user base and go and use. 


    (I have screenshot and clip-boarded this post in case of deletion)

  • Aeon1704

    Many people here speak very reasonable opinions.
    But here i want to say something to Discord Developers.

    Even if you will give us ability to disable .exe scans and game detection all along, what will you lose?

    Me myself, even with detection disabled, i will add all regular games i usually play, and also will enable 'Show Games in Status'. It's not much, i can even list them here:
    Guild Wars 2
    Starcraft 2
    Vampire the Masquarade Bloodlines
    Sims 3. sometimes :D

    Alteast three of those games are world-wide popular. Only thing missing is Arcade Emulator, for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. But it won't help to show application name, without showing what game i play, from multitude of possible thousands. So i would prefer to hide this.

    If i will be able to, i will make my gaming list manually. You won't lose any info about my prefered games.


    I didn't have this issue with Synergy 2 (which is pretty buggy still and they pushed back to Beta). I only get this behavior with Synergy 1.

  • Smidgens

    I do not expect that what they're doing is illegal. It would be surprising to me if whatever it is exactly isn't covered by the terms of service. And if they are being tight lipped about it, it's probably more to do with concerns for their image. Worrying about an overreaction and so forth.

    I also don't expect any twirling moustaches in regards to the forum management. It might just be careless pride on their part and that they've already come to the same conclusions before us. 

    That's not to say all this isn't violating user trust. It may not be illegal, but it's still shifty.

  • penguinairlines

    This is a good point @TEEKAY, but the core issue here is that this happens for a variety of applications and there is no refinement process that we know of for Discord team's management of "verified application". Therefore, we are asking for a way to fix it ourselves for 1-off instances in our own experiences (local configuration). It's a reasonable best practice for large-scale IT Operations and the like.


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