Read/Seen Messages
I really think Discord should have a 'seen/read message' feature, mainly for DMs. I can never tell if someone has read my message or not. It'd be really useful to know if someone's ignoring me. Overall, I feel that it would be good to know if someone read a message I sent without having to reply or reacting to it. I'm unable to tell if a friend of mine read my message without having to ask if they did. It might be just me, but it kind of irritates me a bit when I do have to confirm. Also, for those saying that you can just react to a message, not everyone reacts to a message showing that they read what you sent, hardly anyone that I message does.
I don't think this would work for servers, but it would definitely work for direct messages. If people have mixed feelings about this, maybe this could be a feature that can be toggled off/on. A lot of other messaging apps have this feature, but I also think Discord should also have this. Overall, I think this would be useful for me and other people.
(Edit): This has so many comments, thanks, guys! But we really need more upvotes in order for Discord to see this. I'd really love for this feature to be released, please upvote guys. Really appreciate the comments from both sides. Hopefully, they'll notice eventually.
I think it should have fine grained options,
like sending and receiving read indicator option should be separated, and you can turn it on or off per person,
so say only friends knows you read it, and other non friend users cant tell and cant keep annoying youalso to be able to disable seen message by per-users regardless friend or not, for example that annoying but still friend guy
also begin able to receive without enabling send read indicator, say as member you wanna let a staff know when you read their msg, but they dont want to let you know when they do, they should be able to read your indicator without sending theirs
172 -
I strongly agree that Discord should have a 'seen/read message' feature - like fb messneger and skype. I agree that it should be a function that can be turned on and off. It could be turned on/off by:
- a server owner/admin (with individuals being able to override the default [more on this in a sec])
- an individual in a one to one Direct Message.
A person could set a default position in their Dscord account setting (ie. seen/read indicator OFF or ON). (Discord itself could have the function turned OFF, it it could be up to the user to turn the default to ON).
Micro control could be organised through Member/Friend profiles (in DMs or servers):
- If a Discord user wants to see if a server member or DM friend is reading/seeing their messages, they would go to the member/firned profile and turn ON the SHOW see/read function
- If a Discord user wants to stop a server member or DM friend from knowing if they are reading/seeing messages, then the user would go to the member/firned profile and turn OFF the PERMIT see/read function.
The PERMIT setting would override the SHOW setting.
165 -
Yeah, that also works. It can also be toggled to who sees it, like for everyone or for friends only.
83 -
Every other software out there has the same feature but Discord is the only one that doesn't have it.
80 -
I totally agree with the 'read/seen' thing. For me, too, is really hard to tell if someone has seen my message mainly because I get ignored all the time.
56 -
Now people can find out whether they are being ignored or not :)
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If this is implemented, please let me opt out.
32 -
This could be useful for me to ensure that important messages have been noticed by the recipient. However, for user privacy I would definitely support the ability to disable them as well - some of my Servers have a lot of users and I don't always want to be spammed with DM's. 31 -
I disagree with this. Sometimes I can open the chat for a little bit and read less than half that was sent to me before I have to move or get back in a meeting, if such a feature is implemented the person will think I'm ignoring them making them feel bad and making things bad for me.
26 -
I agree with this I'm SICK and tired of people not responding to me so I wanna know if they really saw my message or not:/
23 -
If you're allowed to opt out, please make it so that, like Twitter, opting out prevents you from seeing everyone else's "read" status as well.
21 -
I Totally support this feature!
19 -
This is one of the reasons why I use Discord. I'm sick of feeling pressure to answer someone or not being able to read a message because I want no notification that othres know I read it. My reason? I simply value my privacy. And I believe everyone else should value it too, but thanks to this trend I'm the weird guy that doesn't want to tell others what I read, where I am, what I'm doing...
19 -
This seems useful, but should be enabled/disabled based on both an account setting and a setting per chat/server. Possibly under privacy settings? This'll probably only be feasible in group chats/DMs, though. 17 -
I'd be interested in this only if it was toggleable on a chat-by-chat basis. 13 -
This would only work in DM's, but sure, I'll upvote.
13 -
I don't like this kind of feature, cause it's the opposite of privacy. Besides, people on phones can read the message on their notifications without actually clicking on the window.
13 -
It would be a lot better to see this happen soon. It bothers me that I have to keep sending messages to someone knowing if they saw my message or not. I get worried that they're getting annoyed by me or ignoring me. Maybe they saw the message but they couldn't respond to it for whatever reason. It'll be easier for everyone to know if their message was read by the other person. It'll also help so you won't have to be worried about the other person if their going through a hard time.
12 -
One of the reasons I love Discord and support it so much is because it doesn't do this kind of thing. I'm fine with some kind of feature being implemented, so long as there is a way for me to opt out of people being able to tell I've read a message. When you get several hundred tags a day from people who need a response, it would be annoying to view a message and immediately start getting pestered about why you haven't responded. So for some this would work, but I wouldn't be comfortable with using it.
8 -
Hey Mitarka -– would you mind if Discord had a read/seen capacity but users could turn off the function. If the function was an option then those people who want to use it could do that, and those people like yourself who don't want it could turn it off.
7 -
I've just had an idea. Some of us want to know whether people are reading our messages and other of us want to protect our privacy. How about this as a simple solution........
in direct messages from others (not in servers/channels) there could be a new facility to indicate a 'read' message alongside the 'pin' facility. If you are getting frustrated about not knowing whether someone has read your messages you could ask them to let you know using the 'read' message facility. This would cause a read symbol ( a dot of some sort?) to appear on the message
This way people's privacy would not be violated and a 'new message' alert would not be generated but people could indicate that they had read someone's message and frustration levels could be reduced all round!
Or, to make the process even simpler, you could have grey dot (for US speakers that's gray) near the grey emoticon facility. When clicked on the dot would change colour (eg. blue) and stay visible even when the focus had moved off the dot. The change of colour would indicate that the message had been read.
What do you reckon?
7 -
Please no, there's no reason for this except vanity and invasiveness.
If they don't respond to you, isn't that good enough?
6 -
How about an option to enable it? People won’t be able to see if you’ve read their messages by default but if you go to settings you can add the option where it shows others that you’ve read their message.
6 -
Making a mandatory read/seen message is a terrible idea for discord. Just look up thousands of 'left on read' memes/jokes that people take being left on read EXTREMELY personally. Not everyone has the ability to respond as soon as they see a message. Some of my friends have a hard time disconnecting when they're emotional, and I like to give them space until they are good to come back, but still keep the dm open in case something bad happens.
Enforcing this type of system would only encourage ignoring friends, or create problems between people whose emotions run high / take it personally. There's a reason discord was so successful with their 'switch from skype' advertising.
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wait... would it just break the "invisible" status??
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Yes, please! This is something I've been wanting for a while.
5 -
This would be fine only if users can decide if they want other people to know they read their messages. No one is obligated to reply to anyone the second they read a message if they don't want to. If people want this only to see if someone is "ignoring" them then it sounds like they got problems to sort out.
5 -
Please no, please no. One of the reasons I use Discord is for privacy reasons like this. Sometimes, I don't wish other people to see and know if I have read their message or not. Things like this is why Discord is unique. If this gets added to Discord, I'd honestly just move to other apps like Messenger, Viber and WhatsApp, and I know I'm not the only person in this entire userbase who would do that. This not being added is one of the reasons that makes Discord so unique and great, so please keep it that way. 5 -
I think we collectively should learn how to take an L and respect other people's privacy.
Put this in if the majority wants, but allow people to opt out, or to select who do they want to allow to see the 'seen' notification.
5 -
I personally don't like read receipts because I often have time to read my messages but not to respond right away, sometimes for hours. I have had unfortunate experiences with people seeing that I had read their messages on Facebook messenger and then sending me ??? and :( and otherwise pestering me and making me feel bad until I could respond. By then I really didn't feel like answering anymore. One of my friends got so mad one time (because she assumed I was ignoring her) that she left the group chat and vague posted about me. I had simply fallen asleep after coming home from a very hard day at work, but I had made the mistake of looking at my messages before exhaustion took me. I woke up to ridiculous drama and had to waste time and mental energy sorting it all out. Now I only check messenger on my laptop, which has a chrome extension to hide Facebook read receipts, since there is no way to turn them off from the app itself or the browser version.
One of the things I like best about Discord is the freedom it offers users, so if read receipts are added, PLEASE include a way to turn them off!
Apparently I'm in the minority, but being able to calmly read my messages and consider my responses is important to me, and I don't like knowing someone is now waiting around for me to get back to them. It kind of sucks the joy out of interacting online. The same goes for people reading my messages. I don't need to know when they've read them. They'll read them when they read them, and get back to me when they have time.
I understand why some people like this feature, but there needs to be a way to turn it off if it's implemented.
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