GitHub account link



6 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Dabbit Prime
    This is a dupe of , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion!
  • Comentario oficial
    Dabbit Prime
    This is a dupe of , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion!
  • liach

    I strongly agree. This way, I can tag issues with discord roles (e.g. paid supporters' feature requests have higher priorities than regular ones)

  • Farkas
    Quoting a Discord Employee from their AMA, but the point is that Discords core audience is gamers, and it wouldnt fit in with their idea for a platform, and I agree with that reasoning their audience is gamers not devs, here is the quote: "Q: would a partnership with github be possible? lots of devs like me would like to display their github on their profile! A: yes, but adding github to your profile really doesn't add much to the broad use-case of the product (an app for-gamers)"
  • StefanoCecere

    ahh i am a game dev and started to use Discord instead of Slack/Skype.

    and we use it also in the game school where i teach..

    the link to GitHub or even just a plain text field where to put a role/url, would be an itneresting step towards the "not only game players" world.

    otherwise we'll go back to other communication tools, soon or later

  • JBYoshi

    Discord does have a section on their website for open-source projects, which means they probably do recognize developers as an important part of their audience.


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