Server folder visual concept!
RespondidaI replied to a much older post, but I did not see it get bumped or anything. So i'm making a fresh post, hoping to get some fresh interest from the community here. Sorry for the new post!
Server folders because they are NEEDED.
Here are two concepts.
This is what i mocked up. I think it would be implemented the easiest! Click cluster to expand, and once another cluster is clicked, it will expand and the previous cluster will collapse. Or there will be +/- symbols to expand and collapse to your hearts content. I feel this would also work very well with mobile as youre not adding many elements to the screen.
Here is one my friend Wonder made! Very clean and attractive. I don't know all the ins and outs of their idea, but I feel by the image itself is very self explanatory!
Please send your feedback, or maybe your own conceptual drawings and such!
@discord, please consider this!
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This is a dupe of , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion! -
We absolutely need something like this. With discords becoming a better way to chat with different groups it's very needed to have different sets of servers. Like I play different games and I'm in 31 different groups and that's with me leaving some because it just does not make sense to stay in some groups due to more and more scrolling.
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