The Discord Desktop App is preventing my (win 7) computer from shutting down.
RespondidaAfter a recent update or something, when I have Discord open like a good boy, and then try to shutdown my PC, this little annoying thing from win 7 pops up: tHeSe pRoGrAmS aRe pReVeNtInG yOuR pC fRoM sHuTtInG dOwN. and, yeah, there is discord being a bad boy.
It's still a bad boy in background.
So its actually the Origin process keeping my PC from Shutting down and Win 7 just decided to blame Discord aswell somehow.
So its actually the Origin process keeping my PC from Shutting down and Win 7 just decided to blame Discord aswell somehow.
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Have you tried using task manager to completely close it?
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I can can close it completele and then my PC shuts down perfactly, but I didnt have to do that until...
Oh, I think i have that problem since I downloaded Origin. Maybe although showing up as a reason, it might actually be Origin. Let me test that real quick.
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