Emojis management on phone
RespondidaTo add the options to add the emoji management options on cellphones, evicting stressful shenanigans as going to chrome and setting the discord to desktop mode (and oh god, the lag). Sorry I don't know how actually help but a option like that seems a little more easy to port to the phone.
you can already do this on android 1 -
This is already a feature. Click the three dots next to the server name and select "Server Settings" then"Emoji." There is an option at the top to add new emojis and you can delete them by swiping lest and selecting "Delete." If you are having trouble with this, you can submit a ticket at https://dis.gd/support. Hope this helps.
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Already available for Android, not sure about iOS 0 -
They have it on iOS too. At least the beta has for a few months.
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